The Anycubic Mono 4K is the newer generation of a Photon Mono with an XY-resolution boost. The Mono 4K essentially has the same build volume, but it bumps the XY resolution from 0.05mm to 0.035mm.
Another benefit over the Photon Mono, is that this printer comes with a screen protector by default. For those new to resin printers, the Mono 4K is a solid pick, but if you already have a small 2K printer, this does not really warrant a upgrade.
Anycubic Mono 4K
Resolution: 0.035mm (XY) 0.01mm (Z)
6.2" 4k Screen ($70)
Print Volume: 132mm (L) 80mm (W) 165mm (H)
Mono 4K Highlights

What's New
- The Photon Mono 4K comes with a screen protector, which is a first for the Anycubic printers.
- The Photon Mono 4K has an adjustable UV power level, similar to the Mono X and SQ.

- 6.2" Monochrome LCD (3840 x 2400 px)
- Plastic Vat
- XY Resolution: 0.035mm
- Build Volume: 132 x 80 x 165 mm
- Layer Thickness: 0.01-0.15 mm
- Printer Size: 227 x 222 x 383 mm
- Power Consumption: 45 W

- Screen protector comes with the printer by default.
- Adjustable UV power from 30-100%.
- The printer, just like the Photon Mono, comes with a pre-assembled FEP. This will prevent using your own FEP sheet, but this can be considered convenient if you're willing to pay the slightly higher price tag.
Final Thoughts
- The Mono 4K will be a perfect option for jewelry casting, commercial products, non-painted figures, or anyone with splash cash to get higher quality prints, even if the printer brings diminishing returns.
- This printer would be appropriate for people just getting into resin 3D printing, but if you are on a budget, try to find a Photon Mono or Mars 2 in stock.
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