幸运飞行艇开奖官网开奖,幸运168飞行艇官网记录查询,历史开奖数据和走势图,Breathe Easy and Secure Your Print Space with Confidence

At 4D Filtration, we're more than just a 3D printing store. We're passionate 3D printer enthusiasts and safety engineers committed to helping fellow 3D printer users protect themselves and their loved ones from harmful fumes and nanoplastics. We've created comprehensive articles and videos on 3D printing safety. Join our Discord community to connect with us directly and get your questions answered.

3D Printer Ventilation

Venting 3D printers is the most effective way to prevent harmful fumes and nanoplastics from lingering in your home.

When VOCs are vented outdoors, most readily degrade within hours or days. One emission, formaldehyde, breaks downs with a half-life of 30 minutes in sunlight. Nanoplastics that are vented will eventually settle in the ground and water, where they can enter our food and water supply.

Resin printers should always be vented or be operated outside the home. Engineering filament such as ABS, ASA, Nylon, or PC should be vented, but the fumes and nanoplastics can be controlled with sufficient filtration.


幸运飞行艇查询官网开奖记录|官方开奖结果直播 Ventilation Equipment

3D Printer Enclosure and Resin Printer Grow Tent

3D Printer Enclosure

ETA Oct/Nov 2024

Vinyl Duct for Resin Printer and FDM 3D Printers

Venting Duct

Direct fumes from our enclosure to outdoors using flexible 4-inch duct. Sold by the foot.

Thumbscrew Hose Clamps for 4-inch Duct

Hose Clamps

Secure your duct to fans and adapters with our tool-free 4-inch thumbscrew clamps.

3D Printer Filtration

Filtering 3D printer emissions has two areas of focus, ultrafine particles and VOCs.

The ultrafine particles generated from both FDM and resin printers can be readily captured with MERV 13 or HEPA filters. It is ideal to have these filters in-line when venting filament, inside enclosures, extracting from an enclosure, in the room, and/or throughout the house as mitigation.

The levels of VOCs generated from FDM printers is low compared to resin, and most of the chemicals off-gassing from filament are readily adsorbed with activated carbon. It is difficult and expensive to capture most of the VOCs from resin printers, especially when using large amounts of IPA for cleaning.

FumeFusion Zeolite has potassium permanganate that oxidizes problematic VOCs like formaldehyde and styrene, breaking them down into CO2 and water vapor. Our FumeFusion Zeolite change colors from purple to brown when exhausted, which means that it can be used as an indicator for when to replace activated carbon. 

SilicaFusion Carbon improves the lifespan and effectiveness of the carbon by capturing water vapor. SilicaFusion Carbon is ideal for air cleaners inside an enclosure, especially when using hygroscopic filament.

Capture 3D Printer Fumes

Activated Carbon for 3D Printing

Activated Carbon|幸运飞行艇官方168历史开奖记录


Ideal for PLA, PETG, soldering, smoking and other general uses.

SilicaFusion Carbon

SilicaFusion Carbon


Ideal for controlling humidity while printing PLA, PETG, and hygroscopic filament.

FumeFusion Zeolite

FumeFusion Zeolite


Ideal for Resin Printers, engineering filament like ABS, strong odors, and acid gasses.

Capture 3D Printer Particles

MERV 13 Filter for 3D Printing

MERV 13 Air Filter


Ideal for capturing ultrafine particles in recirculation setups.

HEPA 13 Filter for 3D Printing

HEPA 13 Air Filter


Ideal for capturing ultrafine particles in extraction setups.

幸运飞行艇官方开奖结果,开奖直播记录,Recommended Resources

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