FreeCAD 中使用的许可证
FreeCAD有两种不同的许可, 一个用于应用程序本身, 另一个用于文档:
Lesser General Public Licence, version 2 or superior (LGPL2+)用于所有FreeCAD的源代码。所谓源代码,即包含于官方Git仓库里的那些。
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC-BY-3.0)用于http://www.freecadweb.org上的文档。
FreeCAD中的不同组件可以使用不同的许可,有关其详细信息, 请参阅FreeCAD的debian版权文件。
All users
Professional users
Open-source software developers
Closed-source software developers
你可以把FreeCAD作为你的应用的基础,并不强迫开源你的应用。LGPL许可其实只要求两件简单的事情:1) 清楚地告知你的用户,你的应用里包含FreeCAD,声明FreeCAD使用LGPL许可;2) 清晰地将你自己的应用与FreeCAD组件区分开。这通常有两种实现形式。或者你动态地链接到FreeCAD组件,这样用户就被允许修改它;或者把FreeCAD源代码,还有你带来的修改,让你的用户可以获得。你将从FreeCAD开发者那里得到帮助,只要不是单向索取就好。
1) You must clearly inform your users that your application is using FreeCAD and that FreeCAD is LGPL.
2) The LGPL license also stipulate your users must be able to swap your modified FreeCAD component with the original FreeCAD equivalent. That is would be done by dynamically linking to the FreeCAD components, so users are allowed to change it. However, this is often hard to achieve by today's requirements. At FreeCAD, we understand that the important point here is to not restrict the freedom given to FreeCAD users by the LGPL license. So an equivalent to dynamic linking is to offer the choice to your users, by making your users aware of the possibility to use FreeCAD for free. This can be done in a number of ways.
If any of the two conditions above are unacceptable to you or cannot be implemented, then you must make your FreeCAD component LGPL too and release the source code with all the modifications you made to it.
There is a special case called derivatives, which is when you publish basically a "rebranded" version of FreeCAD. Derivatives which are not open-source are prohibited by the LGPL license. The FreeCAD community is active and efficient in finding rebranded versions, reporting them to the platforms where they were found and exposing them until they are taken down.
上面提到的任何许可,都不针对你用FreeCAD制作的模型和文件。后者不受任何约束,不绑定于任何所有权。你的文件就是你的。你可以在FreeCAD里,通过"File -> Project Information",为你的文件设置所有者,指定你自己的许可协议。
The FreeCAD logo is a trademark owned by the FPA (FreeCAD project association). This means the FPA is the sole body authorized to say who has the right to use the FreeCAD logo or not. The logo files, which are part of the FreeCAD source code or available elsewhere, for example on this wiki, are still all under the same licenses as the rest of FreeCAD (LGPL for the source code and Creative Commons for this wiki). You are still free to use the FreeCAD logo anywhere, on the same terms as the rest of FreeCAD, which means, basically, that you must use it to reference FreeCAD, and not use it, for example, for your own product, or any other way that is not referencing FreeCAD.
Statement of the main developer
FreeCAD是一个库和一个应用的混合体,所以要求GPL协议就显得太强人所难了。它将阻碍给FreeCAD写商用模块的努力,因为它不允许与FreeCAD的基础库建立链接。你可能会问,为什么要提商用模型?那我们看看Linux,它是个好例子。如果GNU C库采用GPL协议,那它就会阻止链接到非GPL的应用,Linux还会那么成功吗?还有,虽然我热爱Linux的自由,我也想使用非常优秀的NVIDIA 3D图形驱动。NVIDIA不想给出这些驱动的代码,我能理解也能接受这一点。我们都需要为公司工作,需要报酬,或者至少是食物。所以当遵守LGPL的规则,让开源软件和非开源软件和谐共处,对我来说并不是什么不好的事情。我希望看到的是,有个人为FreeCAD写了一个Catia的导入/导出处理器,然后把它免费分发,或者是赚一点钱。我不喜欢强迫他给出太多,超出他想给的。那不好,对他和对FreeCAD来说,都不好。
然而这个决定仅为 FreeCAD 的核心系统做出。每个应用模块的作者都可以做出自己的决定。
Jürgen Riegel
—15 October 2006

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub