TechDraw LineGroup

From FreeCAD Documentation


LineGroups are used to control the appearance of various types of lines.


  1. Go to the preferences tab Annotation.
  2. Select in the field Line Width Group a LineGroup. These are the groups defined in the LineGroup definition csv file.

To change the LineGroups definition file

  1. Go to the preferences tab General.
  2. Select in the field Line Group File a LineGroup definition file.

Customizing LineGroups

If you have write permission, you can edit LineGroup.csv to add your own LineGroups.

This file is usually in:


Where $INSTALL_DIR is the directory where FreeCAD was installed, for example


You can specify your favorite defaults in the TechDraw Preferences.

LineGroup File Path

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\FreeCAD\data\Mod\TechDraw\LineGroup\
  • Mac: /Applications/
  • Linux: /usr/share/freecad/Mod/TechDraw/LineGroup/
    • freecad-daily PPA: /usr/share/freecad-daily/Mod/TechDraw/LineGroup/
    • snap package: /snap/freecad/current/usr/share/Mod/TechDraw/LineGroup

Note: A new preference has been added to allow you to use your own personal LineGroup file.

;FreeCAD LineGroup Definitions
;Format: *GroupName,thin,graphic,thick,extra
;thin: hidden lines
;graphic: dimensions, centerlines
;thick: visible lines
;extra: not implemented
*FC 0.25mm,0.13,0.18,0.25,0.50
*FC 0.35mm,0.18,0.25,0.35,0.70
*FC 0.50mm,0.25,0.35,0.50,1.0
*FC 0.70mm,0.35,0.50,0.70,1.4
*FC 1.00mm,0.50,0.70,1.00,2.00


  • Line width in TechDraw is always specified in mm, even when using other unit systems.