TechDraw ExtensionCreateHorizChainDimension

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TechDraw ExtensionCreateHorizChainDimension

Menu location
TechDraw → Extensions: Dimensions → Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
TechDraw ExtensionCreateVertChainDimension, TechDraw ExtensionCreateObliqueChainDimension


The TechDraw ExtensionCreateHorizChainDimension tool creates horizontal chain dimensions: a sequence of aligned dimensions.

On the right the created dimensions


  1. Select three or more vertexes.
  2. The two leftmost vertexes determine the position of the chain dimension.
  3. There are several ways to invoke the tool:
    • introduced in version 1.0: If the Dimensioning tools preference is set to Single tool (default): press the down arrow to the right of the button and select the Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions option from the dropdown.
    • If this preference has a different value (and in version 0.21 and below): press the Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions button.
    • Select the TechDraw → Extensions: Dimensions → Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions option from the menu.
  4. Chain dimensions with centered dimension texts are created.