TechDraw ExtensionAreaAnnotation

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TechDraw ExtensionAreaAnnotation

Menu location
TechDraw → Extensions: Attributes/Modifications → Calculate the area of selected faces
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
TechDraw AreaDimension


The TechDraw ExtensionAreaAnnotation tool calculates the area of selected faces and inserts an area annotation.

On the right the inserted area annotation


  1. Select one or more faces.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the tool:
  3. The total area of the faces is calculated and an area annotation is inserted.


  • version 0.21 and below: The tool cannot handle faces with curved edges.
  • Holes (islands) in the selected face are ignored. This forum post shows a workaround. You can also use TechDraw AreaDimension but you must then correctly set the DataReferences 3D property of the created dimension.
  • The calculated area is not dynamically linked to the face. If the area of the face changes the text is not updated.