TechDraw AreaDimension

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TechDraw AreaDimension

Menu location
TechDraw → Dimensions → Insert Area Annotation
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
TechDraw ExtensionAreaAnnotation


The TechDraw AreaDimension tool adds an area dimension to a face in a Part View.

Area Dimension of a face with a hole. See Limitations.


  1. Select a face. The geometry may be selected in the 3D view or in the drawing.
  2. If you have selected geometry in the 3D view: add the correct TechDraw View to the selection by selecting it in the Tree view.
  3. There are several ways to invoke the tool:
    • If the Dimensioning tools preference is set to Single tool (default): press the down arrow to the right of the button and select the Insert Area Annotation option from the dropdown.
    • If this preference has a different value: press the Insert Area Annotation button.
    • Select the TechDraw → Dimensions → Insert Area Annotation option from the menu.
  4. A dimension is added to the view.
  5. The dimension may be dragged to the desired position.
  6. If needed, add tolerances as described on this page.


  • Currently the tool can only detect holes (islands) in faces selected in the 3D view. To get the correct area for such a face selected in the drawing do the following:
    1. Set the correct DataReferences 3D with TechDraw DimensionRepair.
    2. Change the DataMeasure Type property to True.
    3. Invoke Std Refresh if required.