Preferences Editor
FreeCAD inställningssystem finns i Redigera menyn → Alternativ.
FreeCAD's funktionalitet är uppdelat i olika moduler, där varje modul är ansvarig för att en specifik arbetsbänk ska fungera. FreeCAD använder sig också av ett koncept kallat sen laddning, vilket innebär att komponenter endast laddas när de behövs. du kanske har märkt att när du väljer en arbetsbänk i FreeCAD's verktygslåda, så laddas den arbetsbänken och alla dess komponenter just då. Detta inkluderar dess inställningar.
To preserve resources, FreeCAD does not automatically load all available workbenches. See Workbenches for more information. For a list of workbench related preferences see Workbench related preferences.
Om inga moduler är laddade, så kommer du att ha två konfigurationssektioner, ansvariga för de allmäna applikationsinställningarna och för visningsinställningar.
Pressing the Reset button in the lower left corner of the Preferences dialog opens a menu (introduced in version 1.0) with options to reset preferences to their default values. You can reset the current page, the current group, or all preferences. In version 0.21 and below the button will reset all preferences.
Some advanced preferences can only be changed in the Parameter editor. The Fine-tuning page lists some of them.
This page has been updated for version 1.0.
De allmäna inställningarna
När du startar FreeCAD utan någon arbetsbänk laddad, så kommer du ha ett minimalt inställningsfönster. Alltefter som du laddar fler moduler, så kommer nya avsnitt fram i inställningsfönstret, vilket tillåter dig att konfigurera detaljer för varje arbetsbänk.
In version 0.21 and below the seventh page, Help, is only available if the Help Addon has been installed.
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Ändra språk | Selection of the language of the FreeCAD user interface |
Storlek på listan för senast öppnade filer | Specification how many files should be listed in the recent files list |
Aktivera staplad bakgrund | If checked, the background of FreeCAD's main window will by default consist of tiles of this image ![]() Optionally, imported files can be excluded from this list, and exported files can be included. See Fine-tuning. |
Enable tiled background | If checked, the background of FreeCAD's main window will by default consist of tiles of this image: ![]() This option only has an effect if no Style sheet is selected. The image can be changed by adding the folders Gui/Images in the folder: %APPDATA%/FreeCAD (on Windows), $HOME/.FreeCAD (on Linux) or $HOME/Library/Preferences/FreeCAD (on macOS). Place a file named background.png in the Images folder, and uncheck/check this option to see the changed file. |
Formatmall | Selection of a style sheet. Formatmalls define how the user interface of FreeCAD looks. For technical details about the style sheets, see themes. |
Storlek på verktygsfältsikonerna | Selection of the size for the toolbar icons |
Trädvyläge | Customization how the tree view is shown in the panel (restart required). The options are
Autoladda modul efter uppstart | Selection what workbench will be used directly after starting FreeCAD |
Aktivera splashfönster vid uppstart | If checked, a splash screen is shown when starting FreeCAD.
The splash screen image can be changed by placing a file named splash_image.png in the Images folder already mentioned under Aktivera staplad bakgrund. |
Aktivera radbrytning | Words will be wrapped when they exceed the available horizontal space in the Python console. This console is shown using the menu View → Panels → Python console. |
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Skapa nytt dokument vid uppstart | If checked, FreeCAD will create a new document when started |
Document save compression level | Specification of the compression level for FCStd files. FCStd files are ZIP-compressed files. Therefore you can rename their suffix .FCStd to .zip and open them with a ZIP archive program. |
Använder Ångra / Gör om på dokument | If checked, all changes in documents are stored so that they can be undone/redone |
Maximalt Ångra / Gör om steg | Specification how many Undo/Redo steps should be recorded |
Tillåt att omberäkning avbryts | If checked, recomputations can be aborted by pressing Esc. This may slightly increase the recomputation time. |
Kör automatisk återställning vid start | If there is a recovery file available FreeCAD will automatically run a file recovery when it is started. This way files can be restored if a crash occurred. |
Spara information för automatisk återställning varje | Specification how often a recovery file is written. |
Spara minibild i projektfilen när dokumentet sparas | If checked, a thumbnail will be stored when the document is saved. The thumbnail will for example be shown in the list of recent files in the Start workbench. It is possible to select a Size between 128×128 and 512×512 pixels for the thumbnail. Common sizes are the powers of two: 128, 256, 512. |
Lägg till programlogon i den genererade miniatyrbilden | If checked, the FreeCAD program logo |
Maximalt antal backup-filer att behålla när dokument återsparas | If checked, backup files will be kept when saving the document. You can specify the number of backup files to keep. Backup files are previously saved versions of the document. The first backup file will have the file suffix .FCStd1, the second .FCStd2 and so on. |
Använd datum och FCBak tillägg | If checked, backup files will get the extension .FCbak and their file names get a date suffix according to the specified date format. For a description of the date format see this site.
With the default settings a backup file will for example get this name TD-Cube.20200315-215654.FCBak (original filename is TD-Cube.FCStd). |
Tillåt duplicerade objektetiketter i ett dokument | If checked, objects can have the same label. |
Inaktivera partiell laddning av externa länkade objekt | If partial loading of external linked objects is enabled, only the referenced objects and their dependencies will be loaded when the linked document is auto opened together with the main document. Such a partially loaded document cannot be edited. Double click the document icon in the tree view to reload it in full. A more detailed explanation of this feature can be found on the Assembly3 documentation page |
Författare | All created documents will get the specified author name. Keep the author field blank if you do not want to include this information. If the option Uppdatera vid sparning is checked, the field Last modified by will be set to the specified author when saving the file. This field can be viewed using the File → Project information menu option. |
Företag | All created documents will get the specified company name |
Standardlicens | Selection of the license for new documents. For predefined licenses the Licens-URL will automatically be set accordingly. Select Other for a custom license. |
Licens-URL | Specification of an URL describing the license selected in Standardlicens |
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Växla automatiskt till 3D-vyn som innehåller det valda objektet | Enables the Tree view SyncView mode |
Expandera trädobjektet automatiskt när motsvarande objekt väljs i 3D-vyn | Enables the Tree view SyncSelection mode |
Förvälj objektet i 3D-vyn när musen går över trädobjektet | Enables the Tree view PreSelection mode |
Spela in markering i trädvyn för att gå bakåt/framåt med navigeringsknappen | Enables the Tree view RecordSelection mode |
Lägg till kryssrutor för val i dokumentträd | Each document tree item will get a checkbox. This is for example useful for selecting multiple items on a touchscreen. |
Note that objects created while this option is not checked will have their VySelectable property set to false
. With that value they are not selectable in the 3D view, even if this option is checked again.
| Pick radius (px)
| Sets the area for picking elements in the 3D view. Larger value makes it easier to pick things, but can make some small features impossible to select.
| Auto switch to the 3D view containing the selected item
| Enables the Tree view SyncView mode.
| Auto expand tree item when the corresponding object is selected in 3D view
| Enables the Tree view SyncSelection mode.
| Preselect the object in 3D view when mouse over the tree item
| Enables the Tree view PreSelection mode.
| Record selection in tree view in order to go back/forward using navigation button
| Enables the Tree view RecordSelection mode.
| Add checkboxes for selection in document tree
| Each Tree view item will get a checkbox. This is for example useful for selecting multiple items on a touchscreen.
These preferences are related to the cache directory where FreeCAD stores temporary files.
On this page you can specify the following:
Notification Area
These preferences control the Notification Area and its notifications.
On this page (introduced in version 0.21) you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Enable Notification Area | If checked, the Notification Area will appear in the status bar. |
Enable non-intrusive notifications | If checked, non-intrusive notifications will appear next to the Notification Area in the status bar. |
Debug errors | If checked, errors intended for developers will appear in the Notification Area. |
Debug warnings | If checked, warnings intended for developers will appear in the Notification Area. |
Maximum Duration | Maximum duration during which notifications are shown (unless mouse buttons are clicked). |
Minimum Duration | Minimum duration (idem). |
Maximum Number of Notifications | Maximum number of notifications shown simultaneously. |
Notification width | Width of the Notification Area in pixels. |
Hide when other window is activated | If checked, open notifications will disappear when another window is activated. |
Do not show when inactive | If checked, notifications will not appear if the FreeCAD window is not the active window. |
Maximum Messages (0 = no limit) | The maximum number of messages kept in the list. Set to 0 for no limit. |
Auto-remove User Notifications | If checked, notifications will be removed from the message list when the Maximum Duration has elapsed. |
Report view
These preferences control the behavior of the Report view. This panel can be opened using the View → Panels → Report view menu option.
The Report view uses the same font settings as the Macro editor.
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Spela in normala meddelanden | If checked, normal messages will be recorded. They will be displayed in the Report view with the color set in Normala meddelanden. |
spela in logg meddelanden | If checked, log messages will be recorded. They will be displayed in the Report view with the color set in Loggmeddelanden. |
Spela in varningar | If checked, warnings will be recorded. They will be displayed in the Report view with the color set in Varningar. |
Spela in felmeddelanden | If checked, error messages will be recorded. They will be displayed in the Report view with the color set in Fel. |
Visa rapportvy vid fel | If checked, the Report view will be shown automatically when an error is recorded |
Visa rapportvy vid varning | If checked, the Report view will be shown automatically when a warning is recorded |
Visa rapportvy på normalt meddelande | If checked, the Report view will be shown automatically when a normal message is recorded |
Visa rapportvy för loggmeddelande | If checked, the Report view will be shown automatically when a log message is recorded |
Inkludera en tidskod för varje post | If checked, each message and warning will receive a timecode |
Normala meddelanden | Specification of the font color for normal messages |
Loggmeddelanden | Specification of the font color for log messages |
Varningar | Specification of the font color for warning messages |
Fel | Specification of the font color for error messages
Dirigera om intern Pythonutmatning till rapportvyn | If checked, internal Python output will be redirected from the Python console to the Report view |
Omdirigera interna Pythonfel till rapportvy | If checked, internal Python error messages will be redirected from the Python console to the Report view |
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Source | Specifies the source of the Help files. The options are:
Translation suffix: For the Wiki option and the Markdown option a language suffix can be specified. Use for example |
Display | Specifies where the documentation should be displayed. The options are:
Custom stylesheet | Specifies an optional custom stylesheet. Not used for the Wiki. |
Skärmens inställningar
This preferences group has six standard pages: 3D View, Light Sources, UI, Navigation, Colors and Advanced. A seventh page, Mesh view, is added if the Mesh Workbench has been loaded.
3D Vy
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Show coordinate system in the corner | If checked, the main coordinate system will be shown in the lower right corner of the 3D view.
The Relative size defines the size of the representation as a percentage of the view size (the minimum of its height and width). The Letter color defines the color of the axis letters. |
Show axis cross by default | If checked, the axis cross will be shown by default in the 3D view. |
Show counter of frames per second | If checked, the time needed for the last operation and the resulting frame rate will be shown in the lower left corner of the 3D view. |
Use software OpenGL | If checked, OpenGL will use the CPU instead of the GPU. This option is useful for troubleshooting graphics card and driver problems. Changing this option requires a restart of the application. |
Use OpenGL VBO (Vertex Buffer Object) | If checked, Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO) will be used. A VBO is an OpenGL feature that provides methods for uploading vertex data (position, normal vector, color, etc.) to the graphics card. VBOs offer substantial performance gains because the data resides in the graphics memory rather than the system memory and so it can be rendered directly by the GPU. For more background info see Understanding OpenGL Objects. |
Render Cache | "Render Cache" or "Render Acceleration" is explained in more detail in FreeCAD assembly3 render-caching. The options are:
Anti-Aliasing | Specifies if and what type of multisample anti-aliasing is used |
Transparent objects | Specifies the render type of transparent objects. The options are:
Marker size | Specifies the size of vertices (points) in the Sketcher Workbench. The clickable area of points can be additionally enlarged by increasing the Pick radius. |
Eye to eye distance for stereo modes | Specifies the eye-to-eye distance used for stereo projections. The specified value is a factor that will be multiplied with the bounding box size of the 3D object that is currently displayed. |
Backlight color | If checked, backlight is enabled with the defined color. Backlight is used for rendering the back sides of faces. Usually, you don't see them in solids, unless you slice one with a clipping plane, or if the faces aren't oriented correctly. It is only used for objects whose Lighting property (on the View tab) is set to One side. If disabled, the back side of the faces of those objects will be black.
The related Intensity setting specifies the intensity of the backlight. |
Camera type | Specifies the camera projection type. The options are:
Light Sources
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Light source | If checked, the objects in the 3D view are lit by a directional light source and the specified color will be used for it. Without this all objects appear as solid black. |
Intensity | Move the slider to change the intensity of the light. |
Direction | The preview shows the XY plane and a sphere, indicating the light source, connected by a line to a cone, indicating the direction. All elements in the preview, the sphere, the small cone directly attached to it, the line and the large cone, can be dragged to change the direction of the light. For more precision the direction vector can be set by specifying the x, y and z values or the q0 - q3 quaternion values. |
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Navigation cube | If checked, the Navigation cube is shown in the 3D view.
Steps by turn defines the number of steps required for a full rotation when using the Navigation cube rotation arrows. If Rotate to nearest is checked, the 3D view is rotated to the nearest most logical position, based on the current orientation of the cube, when a cube face is clicked. Else clicking a face will always result in the same rotation. Cube size defines the size of the cube. Color sets the base color for all elements. introduced in version 0.21 Corner defines where the Navigation cube is displayed in the 3D view. The options are:
Font name specifies the font used for the cube's texts. introduced in version 0.21 Opacity when inactive Opacity of the Navigation cube when not hovered by the mouse. introduced in version 1.0 |
Rotation center indicator introduced in version 1.0 | If checked, the rotation center of the view is shown when dragging.
The Sphere size and the Color and transparency of the indicator can be specified. |
3D Navigation | Specifies a mouse navigation style. To see the details of each style, select it and then press the Mouse... button. |
Orbit style | Specifies the rotation orbit style used when in rotation mode. The options are:
Rotation mode | Defines the rotation center. The options are:
Default camera orientation | Specifies the camera orientation for new documents. This setting is also used by the Std ViewHome command. |
Camera zoom | Affects the initial camera zoom level for new documents. The value you set is the diameter of a sphere that fits in the 3D view. The default is 100 mm. It also sets the initial size of origin features (base planes in new PartDesign Bodies and Std Parts). |
Zoom at cursor | If checked, zoom operations will be performed at the position of the mouse pointer. Otherwise zoom operations will be performed at the center of the current view. The Zoom step defines how much will be zoomed. A zoom step of 1 means a factor of 7.5 for every zoom step. |
Invert zoom | If checked, the direction of zoom operations will be inverted. |
Disable touchscreen tilt gesture | If checked, and 3D Navigation is set to Gesture, the tilting gesture will be disabled for pinch-zooming (two-finger zooming). |
Animations | If checked, view rotations and zooms, except those invoked by mouse actions, are animated. The Animation duration can be specified.
Enable spinning animations if checked, and if 3D Navigation is set to CAD, rotations invoked by the mouse can be animated as well. If the mouse is moved while the scroll wheel and the right mouse button are pressed, the view is rotated. If one keeps the mouse moving while releasing the right mouse button, the rotation will continue. To end this animation left-click with the mouse. |
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Simple color | If selected, the background of the 3D view will have the specified color. |
Linear gradient | If selected, the background of the 3D view will have a vertical color gradient defined by the specified Top and Bottom colors. if enabled, a Middle color can also be specified. Press the |
Radial gradient introduced in version 0.21 | If selected, the background of the 3D view will have a radial color gradient defined by the specified Central and End colors. if enabled, a Midway color can also be specified. Press the |
Object being edited | Specifies the background color for objects in the tree view that are currently edited. |
Active container | Specifies the background color for active containers in the tree view. For example an active PartDesign Body will get this color. |
Label text color | The color used for the labels of the color bar. The color bar is used in the Mesh Workbench and FEM Workbench. |
Label text size | The size of those labels. |
This page is only available if the Mesh Workbench has been loaded.
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Default mesh color | Specifies the default face color. |
Default line color | Specifies the default line color. |
Mesh transparency | Specifies the default mesh transparency. |
Line transparency | Specifies the default line transparency. |
Two-side rendering | If checked, the default value for the VyLighting property is Two side instead of One side . Two side means the color of the interior side of faces is the same as the color of the exterior side. One side means their color is either the backlight color, if enabled, or black.
Show bounding-box for highlighted or selected meshes | If checked, the default value for the VySelection Style property is BoundBox instead of Shape . BoundBox means a highlighted bounding box is displayed if meshes are highlighted or selected. Shape means the shape itself is then highlighted.
Define normal per vertex | If checked, Phong shading is used, otherwise flat shading. Shading defines the appearance of surfaces. With flat shading the surface normals are not defined per vertex. This leads to an unrealistic appearance for curved surfaces. While Phong shading leads to a more realistic, smoother appearance. |
Crease angle | The crease angle is a threshold angle between two faces. It can only be set if the option Define normal per vertex is used.
This preferences group has a single page: Available Workbenches.
Available Workbenches
These preferences control workbench loading.
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Workbench list | The list displays all installed workbenches. The list can be reordered by drag and drop (introduced in version 0.21) and sorted by right-clicking the list and selecting Sort alphabetically (introduced in version 1.0). The order of the list also determines the order of the Workbench selector.
Start up workbench | The workbench that is activated when FreeCAD starts. |
Workbench selector type introduced in version 1.0 | The options are:
Workbench selector items style introduced in version 1.0 | The options are:
Remember active workbench by tab | If checked, FreeCAD will remember and restore the workbench that was active for each tab in the Main view area. |
This preferences group (introduced in version 0.21) has three pages: Macro, General and Editor.
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Kör makron i lokala miljön | If checked, variables defined by macros are created as local variables, otherwise as global Python variables |
sökväg för makro | Specification of the path for macro files |
Spela in GUI-kommandon | If checked, recorded macros will also contain user interface commands |
Spela in som kommentar | If checked, recorded macros will also contain user interface commands, but as comments. This is useful if you don't want to execute these commands when running the macro, but do want to see what has been done while recording. |
Visa skriptkommandon i python konsolen | If checked, the commands executed by macro scripts are shown in the Python console. This console is shown using the View → Panels → Python console menu option. |
Size of recent macros list | Controls the number of recent macros to display in the menu |
Antal genvägar | Controls the number of recent macros that get dynamically assigned shortcuts |
Tangentbords modifierare | Controls which keyboard modifiers are used for the shortcuts, example Ctrl+Shift+ creates shortcuts in the form of Ctrl+Shift+1, Ctrl+Shift+2, etc. |
These preferences control the behavior of the Python console. This console can be opened using the View → Panels → Python console menu option.
Note that the color and font settings for the console are defined on the Editor page.
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Enable word wrap | If checked, words will be wrapped if they exceed the available horizontal space in the console. |
Enable block cursor | If checked, the cursor will have a block shape. |
Save history | If checked, Python history is saved across sessions. |
Python profiler interval (milliseconds) introduced in version 1.0 | The interval at which the profiler runs when there is Python code running (to keep the GUI responding). Set to 0 to disable. |
Path to external Python executable (optional) | Used for package installation with pip and debugging with debugpy. Autodetected if needed and not specified. |
These preferences control the behavior of the Macro editor. This editor can be opened using the Macro → Macros... → Edit or Create menu option.
The color and font settings are also used by the Python console. The font settings are also used by the Report view.
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Aktivera radnummer | If checked, the code lines will be numbered |
Tabulatorstorlek | Specification of the tabulator raster (how many spaces). If it is for example set to 6, pressing Tab will jump to character 7 or 13 or 19 etc., depending on the current cursor position. This setting is only used if Behåll tabulatorer is selected. |
Storlek på indrag | Specification of how many spaces will be inserted when pressing Tab. This setting is only used if Sätt in mellanslag is selected. |
Behåll tabulatorer | If selected, pressing Tab will insert a tabulator with the raster defined by Tabulatorstorlek |
Sätt in mellanslag | If selected, pressing Tab will insert the amount of spaces defined by Storlek på indrag |
Display Items | Selection of the code type. The color and font settings will be applied to the selected type. The result can be checked in the Preview field. |
Familj | Specification of the font family that should be used for the selected code type |
Storlek | Specification of the font size that should be used for the selected code type |
Färg | Specification of the color that should be used for the selected code type |
Addon Manager
This preferences group has a single page: Addon manager options.
Addon manager options
These preferences control the behavior of the Addon manager.
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Automatically check for updates at start (requires git) | If checked, the Addon manager will check for updates when it is launched. Git must be installed for this to work. |
Download Macro metadata (approximately 10MB) | If checked, macro metadata is downloaded for display in the Addon manager's main addon listing. This data is cached locally. |
Cache update frequency | Controls the frequency with which the locally cached addon availability and metadata information is updated. The options are:
Hide Addons without license introduced in version 1.0 | If checked, addons without a license are not included in the listing. |
Hide Addons with non-FSF Free/Libre license introduced in version 1.0 | If checked, addons with a Free/Libre license not published by the Free Software Foundation are not included in the listing. |
Hide Addons with non-OSI-approved license introduced in version 1.0 | If checked, addons with a license not approved by the Open Source Initiative are not included in the listing. |
Hide Addons marked Python 2 Only | If checked, addons marked as "Python 2 Only" are not included in the listing. These addons are unlikely to work in the current FreeCAD version. |
Hide Addons marked Obsolete | If checked, addons marked as "Obsolete" are not included in the listing. |
Hide Addons that require a newer version of FreeCAD | If checked, addons that require a newer FreeCAD version are not included in the listing. |
Custom repositories | Custom repositories can be specified here.
To add a repository press the To remove a repository select it in the list and press the |
Proxy | The Addon manager includes experimental support for proxies requiring authentication, set up as user-defined proxies. |
Score source URL introduced in version 1.0 | The URL for the Addon Score data. See Std AddonMgr for formatting and hosting details. |
Path to git executable (optional) introduced in version 0.21 | The Addon manager attempts to determine the git executable. To override this selection, the path to the executable can be set here. |
Show option to change branches (requires git) | If checked, the Addon manager provides an interface on the addon's details screen that allows switching which git branch is currently checked out. This is intended for advanced users only, as it is possible that a non-primary-branch version of an addon may result in instability and compatibility issues. Git must be installed for this to work. Use with caution. |
Disable git (fall back to ZIP downloads only) introduced in version 0.21 | If checked, git downloads are disabled. |
Addon developer mode introduced in version 0.21 | If checked, Addon manager options intended for developers of addons are activated. |
The Import-Export preferences affect how files are imported and exported. They are described on the Import Export Preferences page.
This preferences group has a single page: Appearance.
On this page you can specify the following:
Name | Description |
Text size | Specifies the size of the text in pixels. |
Text color | Specifies the color of the text. |
Line color | Specifies the color of the line connecting the text label with the measured element(s). |
Background color | Specifies the background color of the text label. |
Preferences for the built-in workbenches are linked below. These links are also listed in Category:Preferences. Some workbenches have no preferences.
Draft-modulen har sin Inställningar -skärm
See Std DlgParameter.

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub