Std SetMaterial

From FreeCAD Documentation
Other languages:

Std SetMaterial

Menu location
View → Material...
Material, Part, PartDesign and more
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Std SetAppearance


The Std SetMaterial command sets the material of selected objects.

The Material task panel


  1. Select one or more objects.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Select the View → Material... option from the menu.
    • Select the Material... option from the Tree view context menu or 3D view context menu.
  3. The Material task panel opens.
  4. Select a material from the list.
    1. Optionally press the Launch editor button to launch the Materials editor.
  5. The objects are updated immediately.
  6. Optionally select one or more new objects whose material you want to change.
  7. Press the Close button to close the task panel and finish the command.