Внешние верстаки

From FreeCAD Documentation
This page is a translated version of the page External workbenches and the translation is 21% complete.
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Внешние верстаки разработаны продвинутыми пользователями FreeCAD, но не включены в основной дистрибутив FreeCAD.

Данные верстаки не поддерживаются основной командой разработчиков FreeCAD, поэтому они не проверены на совместимость с разными версиями FreeCAD. Вопросы, сообщения об ошибках и запросы на улучшения следует направлять непосредственно авторам конкретного верстака.

Верстаки, помеченные иконкой "", могут быть установлены через менеджер дополнений. По поводу установки вручную смотрите установку дополнительных верстаков. Если имеются особые инструкции или требования для использования внешнего верстака, то они должны быть отмечены на домашней странице верстака.

Верстаки, маркированные не рекомендуются для последних версий FreeCAD. Они устарели, или не поддерживаются, или превзойдены в новейших верстаках, или могут не работать с Python 3 или с Qt5. В большинстве случаев их следует избегать.

Сборочные верстаки

Заметьте, что сборочные верстаки обычно несовместимы друг с другом. Если Вы создадите сборку с одним из них, Вы должны будете остаться на нём, и не сможете использовать другой верстак сборок для работы с тем же документом.

Есть так же 'псевдосборочные' верстаки, которые не используют ограничений для сохранения отношений между деталями, а просто переставляют их в пространстве.


Приведённая ниже таблица состоит из разделов, но ее можно изменить, щёлкнув любой из заголовков столбцов.

Иконка Название Назначение Краткое описание Автор верстака Ссылка на исходный код
ArchTextures Архитектура и строительство Он позволяет добавлять базовые нефотореалистичные текстуры к архитектурным объектам, созданным с помощью Верстака Arch. furti https://github.com/furti/FreeCAD-ArchTextures
BCFPlugin Architecture and construction It aims to support the BIM Collaboration Format (BCF). podestplatz https://github.com/podestplatz/BCF-Plugin-FreeCAD
BIMBots Architecture and construction It allows you to upload a FreeCAD model or selected parts of a FreeCAD model to a BIMBots instance (usually a BIMServer with external services enabled), and perform different services and analyses on your model, and read the results in FreeCAD, usually under the form of a text report, or a BCF file. BIMBots https://github.com/opensourceBIM/BIMbots-FreeCAD
Dodo Architecture and construction It provides tools to create frames (trusses, beams) and pipelines (tubes, elbows, flanges), and query those objects.

This is the new version of Flamingo, intended for Python 3 and Qt5.

oddtopus https://github.com/oddtopus/dodo
Flamingo Architecture and construction It provides tools to create frames (trusses, beams) and pipelines (tubes, elbows, flanges), and query those objects.

This is the old version of Dodo, intended for Python 2 and Qt4. You should prefer Dodo for new models.

oddtopus https://github.com/oddtopus/flamingo
FrameForge Architecture and construction FrameForge is dedicated to creating Frames and Beams, and apply operations (miter cuts, trim cuts) to these profiles. lukh https://github.com/lukh/frameforge
GeoData Architecture and construction It provides tools to import geographical information from a given point on Earth by its latitude and longitude, of from OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Bing Map, or Here Map. microelly2 https://github.com/microelly2/geodata
GeoData2 Architecture and construction An updated version of GeoData with preferences and UI enhancements. rostskadat https://github.com/rostskadat/FreeCAD-geodata2

Geomatics Architecture and construction It is partially based on GeoData. It provides functionality specific to Geomatics or Survey engineering, including importing point files, creating surfaces, creating contours, and creating sections. This is partially migrated to the Trails workbench. HakanSeven12 https://github.com/HakanSeven12/FreeCAD-Geomatics-Workbench
OSE Piping Architecture and construction Create different piping fittings. It supports Dodo. Ruslan https://github.com/rkrenzler/ose-piping-workbench
Reinforcement Architecture and construction It provides tools for Reinforcement Generation and Detailing. This workbench provides an interface and presets for the creation of common rebar types. And tools to generate rebars bill of material, rebar shape cut list, bar bending schedule, and rebars drawing and dimension. amrit3701 https://github.com/amrit3701/FreeCAD-Reinforcement
SteelColumn Architecture and construction It provides tools for creating complex steel columns assembled from IPE profiles and plates. ebrahimraeyat https://github.com/ebrahimraeyat/momen
SweetHome 3D Architecture and construction It provides a simple importer for Sweet Home 3D files, an open-source interior design application. rostskadat https://github.com/rostskadat/FreeCAD-SH3D
Timber Architecture and construction It provides tools to facilitate the design and modeling of wood-frame and structural walls. This workbench is no longer developed nor maintained by its author. j-wiedemann https://github.com/j-wiedemann/FreeCAD-Timber
Trails Architecture and construction It provides functionality specific to transportation engineering (roads and rail). It includes components to perform analysis of curvature. joelgraff https://github.com/joelgraff/freecad.trails
Wood Frame Architecture and construction It provides tools to facilitate the design and modelling of wood-frame and structural walls, as well as cut lists for beams. JeromeL63 https://github.com/JeromeL63/Wood-Frame
Woodworking Architecture and construction This workbench is a good starting point for all FreeCAD woodworkers. Darek L (dprojects) https://github.com/dprojects/Woodworking
A2plus Сборка Предоставляет инструменты для создания многокомпонентных сборок. Это ответвление и расширение более старого верстака Assembly2, но они не совместимы. kbwbe https://github.com/kbwbe/A2plus
Assembly2 Сборка Предоставляет инструменты для создания многокомпонентных сборок. Не поддерживается с 2016 года. Вместо этого рассмотрите возможность использования A2plus. hamish2014 https://github.com/hamish2014/FreeCAD_assembly2
Assembly3 Сборка Используется для выполнения сборок различных тел, содержащихся в одном файле или нескольких документах. Он тестирован с объектом App Link, который в конечном итоге был включён в основной код. Это наиболее совершенное решение и поддерживает вещи вроде интерактивной кинематики. realthunder https://github.com/realthunder/FreeCAD_assembly3
Assembly4 Сборка Это решение, базирующееся на улучшенном механизме выражений и объектах App Link, спроектированное как ветвь верстака Assembly3. Assembly4 работает не с правильным вычислителем ограничений, а использует механизм выражений для позиционирования тел относительно местной координатной системы (Local Coordinate Systems LCS). Zolko https://github.com/Zolko-123/FreeCAD_Assembly4
Autoload Настройка Это небольшое расширение, которое позволяет вам выбирать верстаки, которые должны загружаться при запуске FreeCAD. Его можно использовать в сочетании с другими расширениями того же автора, такими как CommandPanel, PieMenu и ShortCuts. triplus https://github.com/triplus/Autoload
CommandPanel Customization It is an extension that provides a panel that can be used store tools from different workbenches. triplus https://github.com/triplus/CommandPanel
CubeMenu Customization CubeMenu provides the ability to manage the FreeCAD navigation cube menu structure and overall appearance. triplus https://github.com/triplus/CubeMenu
Glass Customization It is an extension that shows the combo view (tree view and property editor) as a transparent overlay over the 3D view. triplus https://github.com/triplus/Glass
IconThemes Customization It is an extension that provides the ability of changing the icons of the default program. Icon sets aren't provided with this extension; these need to be provided separately. triplus https://github.com/triplus/IconThemes
Launcher Customization It is a small extension that provides a dedicated dialog box to search and launch commands. Instead of clicking on a toolbar button or menu entry, this method of executing commands may be faster for some users. triplus https://github.com/triplus/Launcher
ModernUI Customization Replaces the standard user interface (UI) with feature such as ribbon menus and collapsing/expanding panels on mouse-over. HakanSeven12 https://github.com/HakanSeven12/Modern-UI
NavigationIndicator Customization It is an extension that adds an indicator for the mouse navigation style in the status bar. Since FreeCAD 0.17 this extension is obsolete, as the indicator is included natively in FreeCAD. triplus https://github.com/triplus/NavigationIndicator
PersistentToolbars Customization It is a small extension to keep the toolbars in their locations. Since FreeCAD 0.17 this extension is obsolete, as the functionality is included natively in FreeCAD. triplus https://github.com/triplus/PersistentToolbars
PieMenu Workbench Customization It is a small extension that shows a pie menu to select tools or commands when the Tab key or a key sequence established by the user is pressed. A pie menu is an interface that appears in Blender and other systems like Android mobile phones to launch commands. Grubuntu https://github.com/Grubuntu/PieMenu
Pluginloader Customization It is a small extension that allows the user to install macros, external workbenches, and other extensions in FreeCAD. Since FreeCAD 0.17 this utility is obsolete, as this functionality is already provided by the Addon Manager. microelly2 https://github.com/microelly2/freecad-pluginloader
RemBench Customization It is a small extension that remembers and automatically activates a workbench based on the document tab that is selected. triplus https://github.com/triplus/RemBench
SearchBar Customization It is an extension that adds a search bar next to the what's this? tool. The search results include tools, objects and preferences. Other mods can extend it by registering a result provider. Suzanne Soy https://github.com/SuzanneSoy/SearchBar
SelectorToolbar Customization It is a small extension that provides a point and click experience for switching workbenches. triplus https://github.com/triplus/SelectorToolbar
ShortCuts Customization It is a small extension that provides a manager and overlay for shortcuts. triplus https://github.com/triplus/ShortCuts
TabBar Customization It is a small extension that adds a window with tabs in order to select workbenches. triplus https://github.com/triplus/TabBar
ToolbarStyle Customization It is a small extension that allows the configuration of toolbars, with icons, text, or both. triplus https://github.com/triplus/ToolbarStyle
WorkbenchOrganizer Customization Allows you to organize your workbenches in groups and to rename them for a better workflow WorkbenchOrganizer. Palmstroem https://github.com/Palmstroemen/WB_Organizer
MOOC Обучение Он предоставляет интерактивный учебник для изучения FreeCAD непосредственно в программе. Он позволяет вам оценить ваше самообучение. rockn https://framagit.org/freecad-france/mooc-workbench
AirPlaneDesign Инженерия Это экспериментальный верстак для проектирования крыльев и объектов самолетов. FredsFactory (a179308) https://github.com/FredsFactory/FreeCAD_AirPlaneDesign
Beltrami Engineering It designs turbomachine blades, rotor and stator. From the original profile provided by Beltrami or an existing one, modifications can be made to match your design specifications. It uses geometrical drivers compatible with fluid dynamics analysis. For turbines, pumps, compressors and fans. SimTurb https://github.com/Simturb/Beltrami
FreeCADTools Engineering It contains tools to create metal profiles, square tubing, z profile, palette, rotation, drawing, and more. Siardeni https://github.com/Siardeni/FreeCADTools
GDML Engineering It contains tools to handle the Geometry Definition Markup Language (GDML). KeithSloan https://github.com/KeithSloan/GDML
GDT Engineering It is a collection of tools to add geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GDT) labels in 2D and 3D technical drawings. It implements the standard ISO 16792. juanvanyo https://github.com/juanvanyo/FreeCAD-GDT
Glider Engineering It contains tools to design paragliders and kites using the OpenGlider library. booya https://github.com/booya-at/OpenGlider
KicadStepUp Engineering It is aimed at helping both KiCad and FreeCAD users in collaborating with electrical (ECAD) and mechanical (MCAD) design. With FreeCAD it's possible to design a printed circuit board, and push it to KiCad; alternatively, the board can be designed in KiCad, it can be imported by FreeCAD, it can be edited with the Sketcher Workbench, and pushed back into KiCad. The 3D model, boards and enclosure, can be exported to VRML with materials properties for use in KiCad or Blender. easyw https://github.com/easyw/kicadStepUpMod
LCInterlocking Engineering It contains tools to create interlocking parts that can be cut with laser-cutters. Tabs and hinges can be added, and the sketch can be exported to SVG. execuc https://github.com/execuc/LCInterlocking
Maker Workbench Engineering The Maker Workbench is composed of a mechatronic components system and an optic components system. The user can modify these components to customize their own system. David Muñoz https://github.com/URJCMakerGroup/MakerWorkbench
OSE 3D Printer Engineering A workbench for designing 3D printers by Open Source Ecology for Distributive Enterprise. G Roques https://github.com/gbroques/ose-3d-printer-workbench
Pyrate Engineering It is used to design optical lenses. The project aims to provide an optical raytracer for isotropic, homogeneous anisotropic and inhomogeneous isotropic GRIN media. mess42, joha2 https://github.com/mess42/pyrate
Rocket Engineering It provides tools for model and amateur rocket design. Users can quickly and easily create rocket components suitable for 3D printing, CNC milling, or laser cutting DavesRocketShop https://github.com/davesrocketshop/Rocket.git
SheetMetal Engineering It provides tools to design an object made of a folded sheet, such as a metal case or enclosure. The user starts with a flat sheet, then uses tools to extrude and bend the faces of the object until the desired shape is obtained. The body may then be unfolded to obtain the required flat material, and to use as input for mills or laser cutting machines. Shai Seger and Ulrich Brammer https://github.com/shaise/FreeCAD_SheetMetal
Ship Engineering It is used to create structures that are common to ships. It currently is seeking a maintainer. Jose Luis Cercós Pita https://github.com/FreeCAD/freecad.ship
CADExchanger Information and data It is an extension that allows FreeCAD to import and export file formats supported by the commercial "CAD Exchanger" application, such as Rhino 3dm or ACIS sat, and mesh formats like OBJ and STL. yorikvanhavre https://github.com/yorikvanhavre/CADExchanger
dxf_library Information and data It installs the DXF Python importer and exporter. This was required in FreeCAD versions v0.15 and below. This is not needed anymore when using the built-in DXF importer in v0.16 and above. This library is still needed if you wish to explicitly use the Python importer, or if you wish to export directly from the 3D model. Please notice that the built-in importer is faster than the Python importer, but in many cases the Python importer produces better results. yorikvanhavre https://github.com/yorikvanhavre/Draft-dxf-importer
DynamicData Information and data It is an extension that allows creating container objects to hold custom properties of any type that FreeCAD supports, for example, length or placement. These custom properties can then be used in mathematical expressions just like other properties in the Sketcher Workbench or Spreadsheet Workbench. mwganson https://github.com/mwganson/DynamicData
InventorLoader Information and data It is an extension designed to import Autodesk Inventor files. Currently only Parts (IPT) can be displayed, not assemblies (IAM) nor drawings (IDW). As Inventor files contain a complete ACIS model representation, SAT and SAB files can also be imported. Export will not be supported, neither to IPT nor to SAT. jmplonka https://github.com/jmplonka/InventorLoader
ImportNURBS Information and data A workbench to add support for importing 3dm files using open rhino3dm library Noteː This workbench is still under development keithsloan52 https://github.com/KeithSloan/ImportNURBS
OSH Automated Documentation Information and Data Generate BOMs and high-quality images for assembly instructions Pieter Hijma, JC Mariscal-Melgar https://codeberg.org/osh-autodoc/osh-autodoc-workbench
Plot Information and data It is a layer on top of the Matplotlib Python module to graph mathematical functions and vectors of points. Jose Luis Cercós Pita https://github.com/FreeCAD/freecad.plot
Reporting Information and data It adds tools to extract information from a FreeCAD document using SQL statements, and show the results in a spreadsheet. The SQL statements can be used from a graphical user interface or from Python scripts. It works in a similar way to the Arch Schedule tool but is more powerful due to the flexibility that SQL provides. furti https://github.com/furti/FreeCAD-Reporting
WebTools Information and data It contains a series of tools to communicate with web services like Git, a BIM server, and Sketchfab. yorikvanhavre https://github.com/yorikvanhavre/WebTools
YAML Information and data It is an extension that adds an importer to load and manipulate objects from YAML files. In this way it's easier to design and check 3D parts before manufacturing. Mambix https://github.com/Mambix/FreeCAD-yaml-workspace
3DfindIT Parts 3DfindIT.com, the engineering search engine for 3D components from CADENAS, provides users with easy access to millions of CAD models from thousands of international manufacturers and a range of intuitive search methods. tsielaff, berndhahnebach https://github.com/cadenasgmbh/3dfindit-freecad-integration
BOLTSFC Parts It is an extension that allows you to use the BOLTS "Open Library for Technical Specifications", which is a collection of objects like nuts, screws, bolts, and so on, parametrically defined. jreinhardt, berndhahnebach https://github.com/berndhahnebach/BOLTSFC
CadQuery Parts It allows users to design parametric 3D CAD models defined by the CadQuery CAD scripting API. It includes a full-featured editor with auto-completion, syntax highlighting, line numbering, and code folding. Example scripts are included. Script variables can be edited dynamically through the use of a parameter dialog. This workbench also includes cqparts, which is a library that adds support for parts and assemblies with constraints on top of CadQuery. jmwright https://github.com/jmwright/cadquery-freecad-module
Fasteners (Крепёжные изделия) Детали Это верстак, легко добавлять различные крепёжные изделия: винты, болты, гайки и т.д., Для крепления к вашей модели, соответствующей стандартам ISO/DIN/EN и не только. Ulrich Bramar (@ulrich1a) и Shai Seger (@shais) https://github.com/shaise/FreeCAD_FastenersWB
FCGear Parts It is an extension that adds many different gears like cylindric involute, involute rack, cylindric cycloid, spherical involute bevel-gear, and crown gear. looooo https://github.com/looooo/freecad.gears
Frametools Parts It is an extension with tools to create frames and beams, including two intersecting beams, in which one beam is cut by a plane or by another beam. looooo https://github.com/looooo/freecad.frametools
FreeGrid Parts A workbench for generating FreeGrid storage system components. hasecilu https://github.com/instancezero/in3dca-freegrid
Marz Guitar Design Parts It allows you to design parametric solid body guitars importing 2D svg files for custom shapes and features. mnesarco Github
Parts Library Parts It is an extension that downloads a library of parts in STEP format .step or in FreeCAD format .FCStd that can be imported into a document. Users can contribute content to this library by forking the repository, adding their own parts under a permissive CC-BY 3.0 license, and submitting a pull request to merge the new objects. Community https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-library
PCB Parts It is a workbench that allows the user to import and create printed circuit boards (PCB) in FreeCAD. It supports layers, colors, transparencies, importing Step and Iges models, and displaying holes and vias. marmni https://github.com/marmni/FreeCAD-PCB
Retr3d Parts It is a framework designed to model and manufacture 3D printable parts starting from electronic waste. The intention of this project is to recycle e-waste, and promote 3D printing, especially in developing economies. Maaphoo https://github.com/Maaphoo/Retr3d
Stemfie Parts It is a workbench that generates a set of parametric parts for the Stemfie Project. Stemfie Community, Bilbao Makers, hasecilu https://github.com/bilbaomakers/StemfieWB
Symbols Library Parts It is an extension that downloads a library of SVG symbols that can be used in FreeCAD, particularly in the TechDraw Workbench to produce technical documentation. Users can contribute content to this library by forking the repository, adding their own symbols under a permissive CC-BY 3.0 license, and submitting a pull request to merge the new objects. Community https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-symbols
ThreadProfile Parts It provides tools to create parametric 2D thread profiles compatible with extrusion tools in Part and PartDesign workbenches. mwganson https://github.com/mwganson/ThreadProfile
Nodes Programming A visual scripting workbench for FreeCAD using pyqt-node-editor. j8sr0230 https://github.com/j8sr0230/Nodes
Pivy_trackers Programming Pivy_trackers provides a Python developer with an easy way to directly manipulate the Coin3D scenegraph by generating specific scenegraph node structures which are then inserted and accessed though the pivy_tracker classes. joelgraff https://github.com/joelgraff/pivy_trackers
Animation Псевдо-сборка Содержит много инструментов для симуляции движения частей, создания последовательности картинок и создания анимации. Не только положение и поворот объектов можно изменять в различное время, но и другие свойства, такие как видимость, прозрачность, цвет формы и положение камеры. microelly2 https://github.com/microelly2/Animation
ExplodedAssembly Псевдо-сборка Он позволяет создавать разнесенные виды и анимацию сборок. Ранее он назывался «ExplodedAnimation». JMG1 https://github.com/JMG1/ExplodedAssembly
Fcmcua Pseudo-assembly Link a motion controller to a FreeCAD assembly using OPC UA. The workbench provides features to simulate machines that are controlled by e.g. a programmable logic controller (PLC), provided the PLC supports OPC UA. Heissgetraenk https://github.com/heissgetraenk/fcmcua
Lattice2 Псевдо-сборка Gредоставляет инструменты для работы с размещениями и массивами размещений. Это своего рода сборочный верстак, но в нем нет ограничений и взаимосвязей. Вместо этого верстак фокусируется на массивах размещений, которые можно сгенерировать, объединить, преобразовать, наложить и заполнить фигурами. Он также может создавать разнесенные сборки. DeepSOIC https://github.com/DeepSOIC/Lattice2
Manipulator Псевдо-сборка Предназначен для помощи пользователям выравнивать, перемещать, вращать и измерять 3D-объекты с помощью удобного графического интерфейса. easyw https://github.com/easyw/Manipulator
Part-o-magic Псевдо-сборка Это экспериментальная рабочая среда, которая обеспечивает некоторые улучшения контейнеров Std Part и PartDesign Body (автоматическая группировка, автоматизация видимости и т. д.), для работы с документами, состоящими из нескольких частей с глубокой иерархией функций. Он предоставляет контейнер типа Body для Part Workbench и для других верстаков, которые создают твердотельные формы. Part-o-magic не позволяет установить ограничений сборки, но включенные инструменты могут быть полезны в сочетании с настоящим сборочным верстаком. DeepSOIC https://github.com/DeepSOIC/Part-o-magic
Workfeature Псевдо-сборка Он предоставляет инструменты для создания различных точек, осей и плоскостей, чтобы облегчить создание сборок. Эта рабочая среда основана на более старом макросе Workfeatures, который размещался на странице рецепты макросов. В настоящее время макрос имеет немного больше функциональных возможностей, чем инструментальная среда, но в конечном итоге рабочая среда объединит все существующие инструменты макроса. Также они отличаются графическим пользовательским интерфейсом; макрос создает панель рядом с древовидной структурой и панелью задач, в то время как рабочая среда предоставляет свои инструменты на панелях инструментов, как и другие рабочие места. Rentlau https://github.com/Rentlau/WorkFeature-WB
Kerkythea Rendering It adds a simple exporter to produce XML files for use with the Kerkythea freeware renderer. marmni https://github.com/marmni/FreeCAD-Kerkythea/blob/master/exportToKerkythea.FCMacro
Movie Rendering Animate cameras and objects, record and play videos Francisco Rosa https://github.com/Francisco-Rosa/FreeCAD-Movie
POV-Ray-Rendering Rendering It creates renderings of your FreeCAD model and is very easy to use but also offers all options for advanced users. The_Raytracers https://github.com/TheRaytracers/freecad-povray-render
Render Rendering It can produce high-quality rendered images, using open-source external rendering engines like Pov-ray, Luxrender, and Appleseed. Render is a replacement for the Raytracing Workbench, and uses the same templates so they are compatible. In the future Render may also support Kerkythea, Blender's EEVEE, and OpenCascade's CadRays engines. yorikvanhavre https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-render
3D Printing Tools Shapes It has tools to do small changes to meshes imported from external files like STL. mark1791 https://github.com/mark1791/3D_Printing_Tools
Cura Engine Shapes It is an extension that integrates CuraEngine into FreeCAD in order to facilitate gcode generation for 3D printing. This addon is unmaintained since 2014 and no longer works with recent versions of CuraEngine. cblt2l https://github.com/cblt2l/FreeCAD-CuraEngine-Plugin
CurvedShapes Shapes It has tools to create 3D curves from 2D profiles chbergmann https://github.com/chbergmann/CurvedShapesWorkbench
Curves Shapes It is a collection of tools to create and edit NURBS curves and surfaces. tomate44 (Chris_G) https://github.com/tomate44/CurvesWB
Defeaturing Shapes It provides tools to edit STEP objects to remove features like holes, faces, and edges, and perform some operations with the simplified objects. easyw https://github.com/easyw/Defeaturing_WB
Design456 Shapes Direct modeling tools for FreeCAD. Mariwan Jalal https://github.com/MariwanJ/Design456
Lithophane Shapes It is an extension to convert a provided image to a "lithophane" for 3D printing. A lithophane is an image that can only be seen properly when illuminated from behind. furti https://github.com/furti/FreeCAD-Lithophane
MeshRemodel Shapes It provides tools to help re-create or re-model imported mesh objects to obtain a solid shape. The workflow is to create points from the mesh's vertices, and use those to create sketches, which can then be extruded. mwganson https://github.com/mwganson/MeshRemodel
Nurbs Shapes It is a collection of scripts for managing freeform surfaces and curves. microelly2 https://github.com/microelly2/freecad-nurbs
Pyramids and Polyhedrons Workbench Shapes It has tools for generating pyramids, regular polyhedra and geodesic speres, fully scalable and usable like regular bodies. eddyverl https://github.com/eddyverl/FreeCAD-Pyramids-and-Polyhedrons
Reconstruction Shapes It provides utilities to reconstruct models from images. microelly2 https://github.com/microelly2/reconstruction
Silk Shapes It is a collection of NURBS surface modeling tools focused on low degree and seam continuity. Silk is the new name of the NURBSlib-EVM project. edwardvmills https://github.com/edwardvmills/Silk
Slic3r-tools Shapes It allows exporting parts, and opening the resulting STL in Slic3r. You can set up a default print profile, and directly get information about the resources that would be used to 3D print it, as well as quickly generate the .gcode file. limikael https://github.com/limikael/freecad-slic3r-tools
SlopedPlanesMacro Shapes It allows you to build figures controlling the slopes of the faces of objects. Damian Caceres Moreno https://github.com/luzpaz/SlopedPlanesMacro
Cfd Simulation It provides a graphical interface to the OpenFOAM solver to perform computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. qingfengxia https://github.com/qingfengxia/Cfd
CfdOF Simulation It is a fork of the Cfd workbench that focuses on ease of use; it is intended for people who are just starting in the world of CFD and OpenFOAM. jaheyns https://github.com/jaheyns/CfdOF
DesignSPHysics Simulation It provides a graphical user interface to DualSPHysics, a fluid dynamics solver using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model. ndrs92 https://github.com/DualSPHysics/DesignSPHysics
EM Simulation It provides a graphical interface for different solvers by FastFieldSolvers. At present it supports the 3D magneto-quasistatic impedance solver FastHenry. Support for the 3D electrostatic capacitance solver FasterCap is ongoing. FastFieldSolvers S.R.L. https://github.com/ediloren/EM-Workbench-for-FreeCAD
FEM FrontISTR Simulation It provides a graphical interface for FrontISTR, an open-source large-scale parallel FEM program for nonlinear structural analysis. kinagaki https://github.com/FrontISTR/FEM_FrontISTR
FEMbyGEN Simulation It provides a simple interface to choose the best solution by showing the structural behavior of your designs on screen for parametric analysis and multiple loading situations. Serdar Ince, Ögeday Yavuz, Rahul Jhuree https://github.com/Serince/FEMbyGEN

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