Editor de proprietăți
Prezentare generală
Editorul proprietății este unul dintre cele mai importante instrumente ale FreeCAD și un element principal în timpul colaborării cu FreeCAD. Editorul proprietății permite gestionarea proprietăților obiectelor din document.
The Property editor appears in the lower section of the Model panel (if the Combo view is active) or as a stand-alone panel called Property view.
În general, editorul de proprietăți este destinat să se ocupe de un singur obiect la un moment dat. Valorile afișate în Editorul de proprietăți aparțin obiectului activ al documentului dvs. activ (aveți grijă ce document este activ, dacă lucrați la mai multe documente). Dacă nu ați selectat niciun element (sau nu există elemente), editorul proprietății va fi gol.
Nu toate proprietățile pot fi modificate în orice moment. În funcție de starea specifică, unele proprietăți vor fi afișate ca fiind numai pentru citire.
The Data properties of a Part Box
Property definition
A property is a piece of information like a number or a text string that is attached to a FreeCAD document or an object in a document. Properties can be viewed and modified with the Property editor.
A property is a piece of information like a number or a text string that is attached to a FreeCAD document or an object in the document. Many property types are available. Some of the most common types are:
View and Data properties
Există două tipuri de proprietăți ale funcțiilor accesibile prin tab-urile din partea de jos a editorului de proprietăți: : Vizualizare View: proprietăți legate de afișarea "vizuală" a unui obiect. : Date Data: proprietăți legate de parametrii "fizici" ai unui obiect.
Basic properties
Different objects may have different properties. However, many objects have the same properties because they are derived from the same internal class.
Most geometrical objects that can be created and displayed in the 3D view are derived from a Part::Feature
. See Part Feature for the basic properties these objects have.
For 2D geometry, most objects are derived from a Part::Part2DObject
(itself derived from a Part::Feature
) which is the base of Sketches, and most Draft objects. See Part Part2DObject for the basic properties these objects have.
To display the context menu of the Property editor right-click the background of the editor, or right-click a property.
Right-clicking the background shows three options:
- Add property: adds a dynamic property to the object.
- Show hidden: if active, hidden Data and View properties are shown in the editor.
- Auto expand: if active, all nodes in the editor are expanded when an object is selected.
When right-clicking a property the following additional options are available:
- Rename property group: renames the property group of selected properties. Only available for dynamic properties. Dynamic properties are those added by the user, as well as those added through Python code.
- Remove property: removes selected properties. Only available for dynamic properties.
- Expression...: brings up the Expression editor, which allows using expressions in the property value.
- Status:
- If a status value is followed by an asterisk (*) it is static and cannot be changed.
- Hidden: if active, sets the property as hidden, meaning that it will only be displayed in the Property editor if Show hidden is active.
- Output: if active, sets the property as output.
- NoRecompute: if active, modifying the property doesn't touch its container for recompute.
- ReadOnly: if active, sets the property as read-only. The property won't be editable in the Property editor and the Expression... option no longer available. It may however still be possible to change the property via a dialog.
- Transient: if active, sets the property as transient. The value of a transient property is not saved to file. When opening a file, it is instantiated with its default value.
- Touched: if active, the object becomes touched, and ready for recompute.
- EvalOnRestore: if active, the property is evaluated when the document is restored.
- CopyOnChange: if active, the property is copied when changed in a Link. The Link's DateLink Copy on Change property must be set to
for this to work. This is related to Variant Links.
- CopyOnChange: if active, the property is copied when changed in a Link. The Link's DateLink Copy on Change property must be set to
See FeaturePython Custom Properties.
See Combo view.
- Preferences Editor, Interface Customization
- Main window: Standard menu, Main view area, 3D view, Combo view (Tree view, Task panel, Property editor), Selection view, Report view, Python console, Status bar, DAG view, Workbench Selector
- Auxiliary windows: Scene inspector, Dependency graph
- File: New, Open, Open Recent, Close, Close All, Save, Save As, Save a Copy, Save All, Revert, Import, Export,Merge project, Document information, Print, Print preview, Export PDF, Exit
- Edit: Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate selection, Refresh, Box selection, Box element selection, Select All, Delete, Send to Python Console, Placement, Transform, Alignment, Toggle Edit mode, Properties, Edit mode, Preferences
- View:
- Miscellaneous: Create new view, Orthographic view, Perspective view, Fullscreen, Bounding box, Toggle axis cross, Clipping plane, Persistent section cut, Texture mapping, Toggle navigation/Edit mode, Material, Appearance, Random color, Color per face, Toggle transparency, Workbench, Status bar
- Standard views: Fit all, Fit selection, Align to selection, Isometric, Dimetric, Trimetric, Home, Front, Top, Right, Rear, Bottom, Left, Rotate Left, Rotate Right, Store working view, Recall working view
- Freeze display: Save views, Load views, Freeze view, Clear views
- Draw style: As is, Points, Wireframe, Hidden line, No shading, Shaded, Flat lines
- Stereo: Stereo red/cyan, Stereo quad buffer, Stereo Interleaved Rows, Stereo Interleaved Columns, Stereo Off, Issue camera position
- Zoom: Zoom In, Zoom Out, Box zoom
- Document window: Docked, Undocked, Fullscreen
- Visibility: Toggle visibility, Show selection, Hide selection, Select visible objects, Toggle all objects, Show all objects, Hide all objects, Toggle selectability
- Toolbars: File, Edit, Clipboard, Workbench, Macro, View, Individual views, Structure, Help, Lock toolbars
- Panels: Tree view, Property view, Model, Selection view, Python console, Report view, Tasks, DAG view
- Dock window overlay: Toggle overlay for all, Toggle transparent for all, Toggle overlay, Toggle transparent, Bypass mouse events in docked overlay windows, Toggle left, Toggle right, Toggle top, Toggle bottom
- Link navigation: Go to linked object, Go to the deepest linked object, Select all links
- Tree view actions: Sync view, Sync selection, Sync placement, Pre-selection, Record selection, Single document, Multi document, Collapse/Expand, Initiate dragging, Go to selection, Selection back, Selection forward
- Tools: Edit parameters, Save image, Load image, Scene inspector, Dependency graph, Export dependency graph, Document utility, Add text document, View turntable, Units converter, Customize, Addon manager, Measure
- Macro: Macro recording, Macros, Recent macros, Execute macro, Attach to remote debugger, Debug macro, Stop debugging, Step over, Step into, Toggle breakpoint
- Help: Help, FreeCAD Website, Donate, Users documentation, Python scripting documentation, Automatic Python modules documentation, FreeCAD Forum, FreeCAD FAQ, Report a bug, About FreeCAD, What's This, Start
- Additional:
- Miscellaneous: Create part, Create group, Make link, Make sub-link, Replace with link, Unlink, Import links, Import all links, Make link group, Create a variable set, Select all instances, Toggle freeze
- Expression actions: Copy selected, Copy active document, Copy all documents, Paste
- Selection filter: Vertex selection, Edge selection, Face selection, All selection filters cleared

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub