Tutoriale Video
Mai jos este o colecție de tutoriale realizate de către utilizatorii și dezvoltatorii FreeCAD. Pentru mai multe link-uri vizitație Tutorials and videos forum .
Visit tutorials for high quality written tutorials. A complete, unsorted list of tutorials can be found in Category:Tutorials.
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Designul pieselor
Videoclipuri care trec prin modelarea diferitelor piese folosind Ateliere de lucru cum ar fi Part, PartDesign și Sketcher. Unele dintre ele au fost înregistrate cu mult timp în urmă, dar sunt încă relevante.
Since there are many videos that deal with this topic, please visit Video tutorials for product design.
- Edit STL Files In FreeCAD by AllVisuals4U. It demonstrates the
Part ShapeFromMesh tool.
- Go further with Asm 3 WB by jpg87 is website with step by step instructions and videos to demonstrate usage of the Assembly3 Workbench.
- FreeCAD Tutorial - Assembly 4 Workbench by Martham Engineering. It showcases the Assembly4 Workbench.
Technical drawings
- TechDraw: a series of 5 videos describing the TechDraw Workbench, by sliptonic; 1 (Basics), 2 (Dimensions), 3 (Multiview), 4 (Sections and Detail), and 5 (Customizing templates).
- Introduction to the FreeCAD TechDraw Workbench by Glasson Design Studio. This is particularly aimed at woodworkers but can be used for general solids.
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
- Using FreeCAD Path playlist de către sliptonic.
Visualization and rendering
- Joko Engineeringhelp playlists: many videos on 3D modelling with tools like FreeCAD and Blender.
- Blender Render Solidworks and FreeCAD Parts with AllVisuals4U: a series of 11 videos that is a collaboration between Joko Engineeringhelp and AllVisuals4U. In these videos they demonstrate how to model a glass bottle in FreeCAD, and then how to prepare a scene and render it in Blender: 3D Bottle Design - FreeCAD To Blender Export, Part 1: Import, Part 2: Arrange, Part 3: Assign Materials, Part 4: Lighting and UV Maps, Part 5: Node Options, Part 6: Create Renders, Part 7: Smooth STL Meshes.
Design Architectural
Videos that go through modeling of rooms, houses, office buildings, and similar structures, and drawing floor plans, using workbenches such as Draft and
Since there are many videos that deal with this topic, please visit Video tutorials for architectural design.
Finite element (FEM) simulation
- FreeCAD FEM/Civil/Structural/Arch Tutorial-1-An Introduction: FreeCAD 0.16, and introduction that builds a simple structure of pillars and beams, and analyzes them with the
FEM Workbench, by Eklavya Self Learning Tutorials.
- How To Use FreeCAD FEM [12:15] FreeCAD v0.19, Intro to using the FEM workbench. Very well done, by Joko Engineering
- FreeCAD FEM VS SolidWorks FEA Simulation - How Do They Compare? [12:22] - A side-by-side comparison of FreeCAD 0.19.x FEM and Solidworks 2017 FEA, by Joko Engineering
- Animation Workbench tutorials: serie de tutoriale despre Atelierul de lucru Animation addon de la microelly.
- FreeCAD Tutorials - GENERAL by AllVisuals4U: tutoriale despre lucruri generale în FreeCAD.
- flowwie's corner by flowwie in German: a nice series of 62 short videos concerning FreeCAD 0.18 and 0.19, from basic to intermediate level.
- Evgeniy Ivanov by Evgeniy Ivanov in English: a nice series of videos concerning FreeCAD 0.19, from basic to intermediate level.
- FreeCAD tutorials at Spoken tutorials a series of beginners and intermediate video tutorials.

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub