Tutoriale Video

From FreeCAD Documentation
This page is a translated version of the page Video tutorials and the translation is 12% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Această documentație are nevoie de actulaizare. Lista Video trebuie revizuită, noi videos adăugate, legăturile moarte șterse. Please help us update this page!

Mai jos este o colecție de tutoriale realizate de către utilizatorii și dezvoltatorii FreeCAD. Pentru mai multe link-uri vizitație Tutorials and videos forum .

Visit tutorials for high quality written tutorials. A complete, unsorted list of tutorials can be found in Category:Tutorials.

If you'd like to contribute with writing wiki documentation and tutorials, see Help FreeCAD, the general wiki guidelines in WikiPages, and follow the tutorial guidelines.

Designul pieselor

Videoclipuri care trec prin modelarea diferitelor piese folosind Ateliere de lucru cum ar fi Part, PartDesign și Sketcher. Unele dintre ele au fost înregistrate cu mult timp în urmă, dar sunt încă relevante.

Since there are many videos that deal with this topic, please visit Video tutorials for product design.



Technical drawings

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Visualization and rendering

Design Architectural

Videos that go through modeling of rooms, houses, office buildings, and similar structures, and drawing floor plans, using workbenches such as Draft and BIM.

Since there are many videos that deal with this topic, please visit Video tutorials for architectural design.

Finite element (FEM) simulation

  • How To Use FreeCAD FEM [12:15] FreeCAD v0.19, Intro to using the FEM workbench. Very well done, by Joko Engineering


  • flowwie's corner by flowwie in German: a nice series of 62 short videos concerning FreeCAD 0.18 and 0.19, from basic to intermediate level.
  • Evgeniy Ivanov by Evgeniy Ivanov in English: a nice series of videos concerning FreeCAD 0.19, from basic to intermediate level.