Atelierul TechDraw (Desen Tehnic)
Tehnologia TechDraw Workbench este utilizată pentru a produce desene tehnice de bază de la modele 3D create cu un alt atelier de lucru, cum ar fi Part, PartDesign, sau Arch,sau importate din alte aplicații. Fiecare desen este o pagină care poate conține diferite Vizualizări ale obiectelor trasabile cum ar fi Part::Features, PartDesign::Bodies, App::Part groups, și Document Object groups. Desenele rezultate pot fi folosite pentru lucruri precum documentație, instrucțiunile de fabricație, contracte, permise etc.
La pagină pot fi adăugate simboluri, secțiuni, suprafețe hașurate, adnotări și simboluri SVG, care pot fi exportate în continuare în diferite formate ca DXF, SVG și PDF.
FreeCAD este în primul rând o aplicație de modelare 3D și, prin urmare, nu are multe instrumente de desenare 2D, care sunt incluse în cea mai mare parte în Draft și Sketcher Workbench. Dacă obiectivul dvs. principal constă în realizarea de desene complexe 2D și DXF și nu aveți nevoie de modelare 3D, vă recomandăm să luați în considerare un program software dedicat pentru redactarea tehnică, cum ar fi [https: //en.wikipedia .org / wiki / LibreCAD LibreCAD], QCad, TurboCad și altele.
introduced in version 1.0: The TechDraw Workbench has a snapping feature. It can be used to automatically align views, section views and dimensions when positioning them by dragging with the mouse. With Snap View Alignment enabled (default) in the preferences, views will snap to alignment with other views when close enough (View Snapping Factor setting). Dimensions are also snapped to other parallel dimensions and the dimension text can be snapped to the middle of the dimension line. Snapping can be temporarily disabled by holding down the Alt key.
Insert Default Page: adaugă o nouă pagină utilizând template implicit.
Insert Page using Template: Adaugă o nouă pagină utilizând o selecție template.
Redraw Page: forces an update of the selected page.
Print All Pages: prints all pages in a document. introduced in version 0.21
Export Page as SVG: Salvează o pagină ca fișier SVG.
Export Page as DXF: saves the current page as DXF file.
TechDraw views
New View: adaugă o vedere de proiecție 2D a unui obiect.
Insert Broken View: adds a broken view of one or more objects. introduced in version 1.0
Insert Section View: adaugă o vedere în secțiune transversală într-o vizualizarea existentă deja.
Insert Complex Section View: inserts a cross-section view of an existing view based on a profile. introduced in version 0.21
Insert Detail View: adaugă un detaliu vizualizarea unei porțiuni dintr-o vizualizare existentă.
Insert Projection Group: învocă un dialog pentru crearea vederilor multiple din mai multe direcții.
Insert Clip Group: inserează un grup de vederi mascate în secțiune într-o pagină.
New Symbol: inserază un simbol cartezian SVG în pagină.
Share View: shares a view between multiple pages.
Turn View Frames On/Off: Comuntă on/off cadrele și etichete care înconjoară o pagină.
Project Shape: creates projections of shapes in the 3D view.
Views from other workbenches
Insert Active View: inserts a view of the active 3D view.
Insert Draft Workbench Object: adaugă o vizualizare la un Obiect din Atelierul Draft Workbench.
Insert Arch Workbench Object: adaugă o vizualizare la un obiect din Atelierul Arhitectură adaugă o vizualizare a Arch Workbench SectionPlane.
Insert Spreadsheet View: inserează o vizualizare a unei foi de calcul Spreadsheet Workbench sheet.
These are tools for changing the stacking order which controls the apparent depth of views on a page.
Move view to top of stack: moves views to the top of the stacking order. introduced in version 0.21
Move view to bottom of stack: moves views to the bottom of the stacking order. introduced in version 0.21
Move view up one level: moves views up one level in the stacking order. introduced in version 0.21
Move view down one level: moves views down one level in the stacking order. introduced in version 0.21
Insert Dimension: adds a contextual dimension. introduced in version 1.0
Insert Length Dimension: adaugă o cotă tip lungime.
Insert Horizontal Dimension: adaugă o cotă orizontală tip lungime.
New Vertical: adaugă o cotă tip lungime verticală
Insert Radius Dimension: adaugă o cotă pentru raza unui cerc sau a unui arc de cerc.
New Diameter: adaugă o cotă pentru diametrul unui cerc sau a unui arc de cerc.
Insert Angle Dimension: adaugă o cotă pentru un unghi sau pentru două margini drepte.
Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension: adaugă o cotă tip dimensiune unghiulară utilizând trei vârfuri.
Insert Area Annotation: adds an area dimension to a face. introduced in version 1.0
Create Arc Length Dimension: creates an arc length dimension.
Insert Horizontal Extent Dimension: adds a horizontal extent dimension.
Insert Vertical Extent Dimension: adds a vertical extent dimension.
Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions: creates a sequence of aligned horizontal dimensions.
Create Vertical Chain Dimensions: creates a sequence of aligned vertical dimensions.
Create Oblique Chain Dimensions: creates a sequence of aligned oblique dimensions.
Create Horizontal Coordinate Dimensions: creates multiple evenly spaced horizontal dimensions starting from the same baseline.
Create Vertical Coordinate Dimensions: creates multiple evenly spaced vertical dimensions starting from the same baseline.
Create Oblique Coordinate Dimensions: creates multiple evenly spaced oblique dimensions starting from the same baseline.
Create Horizontal Chamfer Dimension: creates a horizontal size and angle dimension for a chamfer.
Create Vertical Chamfer Dimension: creates a vertical size and angle dimension for a chamfer.
Insert Balloon Annotation: adds a "balloon" annotation to a page.
Insert Axonometric Length Dimension: adds an axonometric length dimension. introduced in version 0.21
Insert Landmark Dimension - EXPERIMENTAL: adds a landmark distance dimension.
Dimension Repair: can adjust the 2D or 3D geometry references of a dimension. introduced in version 0.21
New Links: leagă o cotă existetnă de o formă geometrică 3 D
Hatch Area: aplică un model de hașurare dintr-un fișier, unei fațete
Apply Geometric Hatch to Face: aplică un model de trasură la o față folosind o specificație Autodesk PAT.
Insert Annotation: adaugă un bloc de text care servește ca adnotare
Add Leaderline to View: adds a leaderline to a view.
Insert Rich Text Annotation: adds an rich text block as annotation to a leaderline or a view.
Add Cosmetic Vertex: adds a Vertex which is not part of the source geometry.
Add Midpoint Vertices: adds Cosmetic Vertices at midpoints of selected edges.
Add Quadrant Vertices: adds Cosmetic Vertices at quarter points of selected (circular) edges.
Add Centerline to Faces: adds a centerline to selected face(s).
Add Centerline between 2 Lines: adds a centerline between 2 lines.
Add Centerline between 2 Points: adds a centerline between 2 points.
Add Cosmetic Line Through 2 points: adds a cosmetic line connecting 2 vertices.
Add Cosmetic Circle: adds a cosmetic circle. introduced in version 1.0
Change Appearance of Lines: changes the appearance of selected line(s).
Show/Hide Invisible Edges: shows/hides invisible lines/edges in a view.
Add Welding Information to Leader: adds welding specifications to an existing leaderline.
Add Surface Finish Symbol: adds a surface finish symbol to a page. introduced in version 0.21
Add Hole/Shaft Fit: adds hole or shaft tolerances using ISO 286 to a dimension. introduced in version 0.21
Attributes and modifications
Select Line Attributes, Cascade Spacing and Delta Distance: selects the attributes (style, width and color) for new cosmetic lines and centerlines, and specifies the cascade spacing and delta distance.
Change Line Attributes: changes the attributes (style, width and color) of cosmetic lines and centerlines.
Extend Line: extends a cosmetic line or centerline at both ends.
Shorten Line: shortens a cosmetic line or centerline at both ends.
Lock/Unlock View: locks or unlocks the position of a view.
Position Section View: orthogonally aligns a section view with its source view.
Position Horizontal Chain Dimensions: aligns horizontal dimensions to create a chain dimension.
Position Vertical Chain Dimensions: aligns vertical dimensions to create a chain dimension.
Position Oblique Chain Dimensions: aligns oblique dimensions to create a chain dimension.
Cascade Horizontal Dimensions: evenly spaces horizontal dimensions.
Cascade Vertical Dimensions: evenly spaces vertical dimensions.
Cascade Oblique Dimensions: evenly spaces oblique dimensions.
Calculate the area of selected faces: calculates the area of selected faces and inserts an area annotation.
Calculate the arc length of selected edges: calculates the arc length of selected edges and inserts an arc length annotation. introduced in version 1.0
Customize format label: customizes the formatting of a balloon text or dimension text. GD&T symbols and other special character can be added.
Centerlines and threading
Add Circle Centerlines: adds centerlines to circles and arcs.
Add Bolt Circle Centerlines: adds centerlines to a circular pattern of circles.
Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Side View: adds a cosmetic thread to the side view of a hole.
Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Bottom View: adds a cosmetic thread to the top or bottom view of holes.
Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Side View: adds a cosmetic thread to the side view of a bolt/screw/rod.
Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Bottom View: adds a cosmetic thread to the top or bottom view of bolts/screws/rods.
Add Cosmetic Intersection Vertex(es): adds cosmetic vertex(es) at the intersection(s) of selected edges.
Add an offset vertex: adds a cosmetic vertex at a specified offset from a selected vertex. introduced in version 1.0
Add Cosmetic Circle: adds a cosmetic circle based on two vertexes.
Add Cosmetic Arc: adds a cosmetic counter clockwise arc based on three vertexes.
Add Cosmetic Circle 3 Points: adds a cosmetic circle based on three vertexes.
Add Cosmetic Parallel Line: adds a cosmetic line parallel to another line through a vertex.
Add Cosmetic Perpendicular Line: adds a cosmetic line perpendicular to another line through a vertex.
Several of the Extensions dimension tools are listed under Dimensions above.
Insert '⌀' Prefix: inserts a '⌀' symbol at the beginning of the dimension text.
Insert '□' Prefix: inserts a '□' symbol at the beginning of the dimension text.
Insert 'n×' Prefix: inserts a repeated feature count at the beginning of the dimension text. introduced in version 1.0
Remove Prefix: removes all symbols at the beginning of the dimension text.
Increase Decimal Places: increases the number of decimal places of the dimension text.
Decrease Decimal Places: decreases the number of decimal places of the dimension text.
Remove Cosmetic Object: removes cosmetic objects from a page.
Obsolete tools
ClipPlus: Adaugă o vedere existentă la un grup mască.
ClipMinus: Extrage o vedere dintr-un grup mascat.
Move View: moves a view and its dependents to a different page. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
Caracteristici suplimentare
- Hatching: explică diverse tehnici de hașurare.
- Line Groups: Grosimi implicite pot fi asignate diferitor tipuri de linie.
- Templates: șabloanele implicite definite pentru paginile de desen.
Setările de elecție
Preferences: preferințele pentru valorile implicite ale paginii desenului, cum ar fi unghiul de proiectare, culori, dimensiunile textului și stilurile de linie.
Instrumentele TechDraw pot fi utilizate în macros și din consola Python utilizând două API-uri.
- Do not cut, copy and paste TechDraw objects in the Tree view as this generally does not work out well.
- Do not drag TechDraw objects in the Tree view with the mouse.
- Basic TechDraw Tutorial: introducere în crearea de desene cu TechDraw Workbench.
- Crearea unui nou șablon: instrucțiuni pentru crearea unui nou șablon de pagină în Inkscape pentru utilizarea cu TechDraw Workbench.
Video tutorials by sliptonic
- TechDraw Workbench Part 1 (Basics), Part 2 (Dimensions), Part 3 (Multiview)
- TechDraw Workbench Part 4 (Section and Detail), Part 5 (Customizing Templates)
Do you want to know about the future of the TechDraw Workbench? Visit the TechDraw Roadmap Page to learn more.
- Pages: Insert Default Page, Insert Page using Template, Update template fields, Redraw Page, Print All Pages, Export Page as SVG, Export Page as DXF
- Views:
- TechDraw views: Insert View, Insert Broken View, Insert Section View, Insert Complex Section View, Insert Detail View, Insert Projection Group, Insert Clip Group, Insert SVG Symbol, Insert Bitmap Image, Share View, Turn View Frames On/Off, Project Shape
- Views from other workbenches: Insert Active View, Insert Draft Workbench Object, Insert BIM Workbench Object, Insert Spreadsheet View
- Stacking: Move view to top of stack, Move view to bottom of stack, Move view up one level, Move view down one level
- Dimensions: Insert Dimension, Insert Length Dimension, Insert Horizontal Dimension, Insert Vertical Dimension, Insert Radius Dimension, Insert Diameter Dimension, Insert Angle Dimension, Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension, Insert Area Annotation, Create Arc Length Dimension, Insert Horizontal Extent Dimension, Insert Vertical Extent Dimension, Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions, Create Vertical Chain Dimensions, Create Oblique Chain Dimensions, Create Horizontal Coordinate Dimensions, Create Vertical Coordinate Dimensions, Create Oblique Coordinate Dimensions, Create Horizontal Chamfer Dimension, Create Vertical Chamfer Dimension, Insert Balloon Annotation, Insert Axonometric Length Dimension, Insert Landmark Dimension, Dimension Repair, Link Dimension to 3D Geometry
- Hatching: Hatch Face using Image File, Apply Geometric Hatch to Face,
- Annotations: Insert Annotation, Add Leaderline to View, Insert Rich Text Annotation, Add Cosmetic Vertex, Add Midpoint Vertices, Add Quadrant Vertices, Add Centerline to Faces, Add Centerline between 2 Lines, Add Centerline between 2 Points, Add Cosmetic Line Through 2 points, Add Cosmetic Circle, Change Appearance of Lines, Show/Hide Invisible Edges, Add Welding Information to Leader, Add Surface Finish Symbol, Add Hole or Shaft Tolerances
- Extensions:
- Attributes and modifications: Select Line Attributes, Cascade Spacing and Delta Distance, Change Line Attributes, Extend Line, Shorten Line, Lock/Unlock View, Position Section View, Position Horizontal Chain Dimensions, Position Vertical Chain Dimensions, Position Oblique Chain Dimensions, Cascade Horizontal Dimensions, Cascade Vertical Dimensions, Cascade Oblique Dimensions, Calculate the area of selected faces, Calculate the arc length of selected edges, Customize format label
- Centerlines and threading: Add Circle Centerlines, Add Bolt Circle Centerlines, Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Side View, Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Bottom View, Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Side View, Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Bottom View, Add Cosmetic Intersection Vertex(es), Add an offset vertex, Add Cosmetic Circle, Add Cosmetic Arc, Add Cosmetic Circle 3 Points, Add Cosmetic Parallel Line, Add Cosmetic Perpendicular Line
- Dimensions: Insert '⌀' Prefix, Insert '□' Prefix, Insert 'n×' Prefix, Remove Prefix, Increase Decimal Places, Decrease Decimal Places
- Miscellaneous: Remove Cosmetic Object
- Additional: Line Groups, Templates, Hatching, Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, Preferences

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub