Tutorial de Introducere în TechDraw
Topic |
Modeling |
Level |
Beginner |
Time to complete |
Less than an hour |
Authors |
WandererFan |
FreeCAD version |
0.17 or higher |
Example files |
Basic Part Design for v0.17 Sample Basic TechDraw Tutorial Sample |
See also |
None |
Acest tutorial introduce noul utilizator la unele dintre instrumentele și tehnicile utilizate în Technical Drawing (TechDraw) Workbench. Acest tutorial nu este un ghid complet și cuprinzător pentru TechDraw Workbench și multe dintre instrumentele și funcționalități nu sunt acoperite. Acest tutorial va duce utilizatorul prin pașii necesari pentru a realiza desene tehnice ale păiesei din Basic Part Design Tutorial.
Before You Begin
Înainte de a începe
Descărcați din Part Design tutorial:sample file
The Task
În acest tutorial, veți folosi TechDraw Workbench pentru a crea un desen 2D al piesei 3D de mai jos. Vom crea mai multe vederi ale piesei și vom adăuga cotele/dimensiunile cheie. Acest tutorial nu va folosi toate funcțiile și instrumentele disponibile în cadrul TechDraw Workbench, dar ar trebui să utilizeze suficient pentru a oferi utilizatorului acestui tutorial o bază fundamentală pe care să-și construiască cunoștințele și abilitățile.
The Part

Creating a Drawing
- You may wish to adjust your preference settings before beginning. See Note 1.
- First open the file containing our 3D part. Then make sure you are in the TechDraw Workbench.
- You will be selecting items in the Drawing window and/or the Combo panel. Selection in TechDraw works the same as in the 3D window. Items turn yellow when the cursor is in position to select them and turn green when selected. To select multiple items use the Ctrl key while clicking.
Views and Dimensions
All work in TechDraw begins with a Page. Pages are based on Templates and contain Views.
- Click on
TechDraw PageDefault to create a new Page.
- Click on Body in the 3D view or in the Combo view.
- Click on
TechDraw View. This will add the View to the page we just created.
Now we have a View on the Page looking down at the top of the Body. It is a little small, though.

- Select Page in the Combo view and scroll to the Scale property on the Data tab.
- Change the Scale from 1 to 2 and press Enter. The View will get bigger.
- Drag the View away from the documentation block in the bottom right of the page.

Better, but a little boring. Let's add some Dimensions.
- Select the top-left Vertex (small dot) with the LMB (Left Mouse Button), then also select (Ctrl+LMB) the bottom-left vertex.
- Click on
TechDraw VerticalDimension. Drag the dimension text away from the Body.
- Try that again with the top-left and top-right Vertices and
TechDraw HorizontalDimension.

Editable Text
We should add some documentation to our drawing.
- Click on the small green square beside Title in the documentation block. You'll get a pop-up window where you can change Title to something more meaningful.
- Just for practice, put your name in the Designed by Name field the same way.

Getting better. Let's add some text to the page.
- Click on
TechDraw Annotation. A text block will appear in the middle of the page.
- Drag the text block away from the main View.
- Click on Annotation in the Combo view and scroll to the Text property on the Data tab.
- Click in the data area, then click on the ellipsis at the right of the field. You'll get a pop-up window where you can change the text to something more meaningful.

Before we leave this Page, let's see what it will look like when we print it.
- Click on
TechDraw ToggleFrame. The Vertices and View frames will disappear. You can get them back by clicking Toggle again.

Multiple Views of a Single Part
Let's create a multiview drawing using a different Template as a starting point. We'll be using the First Angle convention, but you can change to Third Angle if that is your local convention.
- Click on
TechDraw PageTemplate. A file chooser dialog will appear. Select a template file. We're going to use "ANSIB.SVG". A new tab will appear.
- Select "Body" and "Page001" (if you have more than one page in your document, you need to tell TechDraw which one to use).
- Click on
TechDraw ProjectionGroup. The familiar small view in the middle of the page will appear and a dialog will appear in the Task panel.
- Click on several boxes in the Secondary Views section of the dialog.
- Drag the View labelled "Front". All the other Views move with it.
- Change the Scale drop down box from Page to Custom and change the Custom Scale to 2:1. Press the OK button.

- In the View labelled "TopLeftFront", select the two Vertices at the extreme ends of the front edge of the work piece.
- Click on
TechDraw LengthDimension. Drag the dimension text away from the Body.
Linking Dimensions to 3D Model
Do you notice a problem with the dimension we just created?

From the first part of this tutorial, we know that the work piece is 53 mm wide, but our new dimensions reads 43.27. This is because "TopLeftFront" is an isometric projection, and our first drawing was an orthogonal (multiview) projection. To get the right value, we need to link our dimension directly to the 3D model.
- Note the name of our faulty dimension in the Combo panel. We'll need it in a minute.
- Change to the 3D tab and select the Vertices at the ends of the front edge of the work piece. Also select Page001.
- Click on
TechDraw LinkDimension. A dialog will open in the Task panel.
- In the dialog, move our dimension from the Available column to the Selected column. Press OK.
- Return to Page001. Our dimension should now read the correct value of 53. (if you still see 43.27, you may need to press the Recompute button or drag the dimension value a bit until it changes.)
Going Further
In this tutorial you have learned enough about TechDraw to produce a drawing like this one (by NormandC). See Note 2.

There is much more functionality in TechDraw for you to explore - Section Views, Detail Views, Svg Symbols, Images, face hatching.
- Există un set excelent de preferințe sugerate în acest sens Forum post.
- This drawing was produced in v0.18. It shows dimensions in the proper format for an isometric view. In v0.17 the extension lines will be perpendicular to the edge rather than aligned with the axes.
Resurse suplimentare
- TechDraw Wiki pages
- FreeCAD file of this exercise for comparison (made with 0.17) Download
- Pages: Insert Default Page, Insert Page using Template, Update template fields, Redraw Page, Print All Pages, Export Page as SVG, Export Page as DXF
- Views:
- TechDraw views: Insert View, Insert Broken View, Insert Section View, Insert Complex Section View, Insert Detail View, Insert Projection Group, Insert Clip Group, Insert SVG Symbol, Insert Bitmap Image, Share View, Turn View Frames On/Off, Project Shape
- Views from other workbenches: Insert Active View, Insert Draft Workbench Object, Insert BIM Workbench Object, Insert Spreadsheet View
- Stacking: Move view to top of stack, Move view to bottom of stack, Move view up one level, Move view down one level
- Dimensions: Insert Dimension, Insert Length Dimension, Insert Horizontal Dimension, Insert Vertical Dimension, Insert Radius Dimension, Insert Diameter Dimension, Insert Angle Dimension, Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension, Insert Area Annotation, Create Arc Length Dimension, Insert Horizontal Extent Dimension, Insert Vertical Extent Dimension, Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions, Create Vertical Chain Dimensions, Create Oblique Chain Dimensions, Create Horizontal Coordinate Dimensions, Create Vertical Coordinate Dimensions, Create Oblique Coordinate Dimensions, Create Horizontal Chamfer Dimension, Create Vertical Chamfer Dimension, Insert Balloon Annotation, Insert Axonometric Length Dimension, Insert Landmark Dimension, Dimension Repair, Link Dimension to 3D Geometry
- Hatching: Hatch Face using Image File, Apply Geometric Hatch to Face,
- Annotations: Insert Annotation, Add Leaderline to View, Insert Rich Text Annotation, Add Cosmetic Vertex, Add Midpoint Vertices, Add Quadrant Vertices, Add Centerline to Faces, Add Centerline between 2 Lines, Add Centerline between 2 Points, Add Cosmetic Line Through 2 points, Add Cosmetic Circle, Change Appearance of Lines, Show/Hide Invisible Edges, Add Welding Information to Leader, Add Surface Finish Symbol, Add Hole or Shaft Tolerances
- Extensions:
- Attributes and modifications: Select Line Attributes, Cascade Spacing and Delta Distance, Change Line Attributes, Extend Line, Shorten Line, Lock/Unlock View, Position Section View, Position Horizontal Chain Dimensions, Position Vertical Chain Dimensions, Position Oblique Chain Dimensions, Cascade Horizontal Dimensions, Cascade Vertical Dimensions, Cascade Oblique Dimensions, Calculate the area of selected faces, Calculate the arc length of selected edges, Customize format label
- Centerlines and threading: Add Circle Centerlines, Add Bolt Circle Centerlines, Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Side View, Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Bottom View, Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Side View, Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Bottom View, Add Cosmetic Intersection Vertex(es), Add an offset vertex, Add Cosmetic Circle, Add Cosmetic Arc, Add Cosmetic Circle 3 Points, Add Cosmetic Parallel Line, Add Cosmetic Perpendicular Line
- Dimensions: Insert '⌀' Prefix, Insert '□' Prefix, Insert 'n×' Prefix, Remove Prefix, Increase Decimal Places, Decrease Decimal Places
- Miscellaneous: Remove Cosmetic Object
- Additional: Line Groups, Templates, Hatching, Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, Preferences

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub