PartDesign: Additive Pipe
poziția meniului |
PartDesign → Additive pipe |
Ateliere |
PartDesign |
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Prezentat în versiune |
0.17 |
A se vedea, de asemenea, |
PartDesign Additive Loft |
Additive Pipe creează un solid în corpul activ, prin baleierea uneia sau a mai multor schițe (denumite și secțiuni transversale) de-a lungul unei căi deschise sau închise. Dacă corpul conține deja funcții(onalități), conductele aditive vor fi îmbinate cu ele.
On the left: cross-sections (A) and (B) to be swept along path (C); resulting Additive pipe on the right.
Cum se folosește
- Press the
Additive pipe button.
- In the Select feature dialog, select a sketch to be used as first cross-section and click OK.
- Alternatively, a single sketch can be selected prior to pressing the Additive pipe button.
- In the Pipe parameters under Profile, press the Object button.
- Select the sketch to be used as path in the 3D view:
- Alternatively, edges of the body can be selected by pressing Add Edge and selecting edges in the 3D view.
- To use more than one cross-section, under Section transformation set the Transform mode to Multisection; press Add Section then select a sketch in the 3D view. Repeat for each additional cross-section.
- Set options if needed and click OK.
To use more than one cross-section, start with the first cross-section sketch as described above. Then under Section transformation set the Transform mode to Multisection; press Add Section then select a sketch in the 3D view. Repeat for each additional cross-section.
See also: Property editor.
A PartDesign AdditivePipe object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:
- Date (Hidden)Add Sub Shape (
): - Date (Hidden)Base Feature (
): - Date (Hidden)_Body (
Part Design
- DateRefine: true or false. If set to true, cleans the solid from residual edges left by features. See Part RefineShape for more details.
Sketch Based
- DateProfile (
): reference to sketch. - DateMidplane (
): extrude symmetrically to sketch face. - DateReversed (
): reverses extrusion direction. - DateUp To Face (
): face where feature will end. - DateAllow Multi Face (
): allow multiple faces in profile.
- DateSections (
): lists the sections used. - DateSpine (
): spine (path) to sweep along. - DateSpine Tangent (
): true or false (default). True extends the spine to include tangent edges. - Date (Hidden)Auxiliary Spine (
): secondary spine (path) to orient the Sweep. - DateAuxiliary Spine Tangent (
): true or false (default). True extends the auxiliary spine to include tangent edges. - DateAuxiliary Curvelinear (
): true or false (default). True calculates the normal between equidistant points on both spines. - DateMode (
): profile mode. Options are Fixed, Frenet, Auxiliary or Binormal. See Options. - DateBinormal (
): binormal vector for corresponding orientation mode. - DateTransition (
): transition mode. Options are Transformed, Right Corner or Round Corner. - DateTransformation (
): Constant uses a single cross-section. Multisection uses two or more cross-sections. Linear, S-shape and Interpolation are currently not functional.
- Schițele utilizate pentru secțiunile transversale trebuie să formeze profile închise.
- Nu este posibil să se utilizeze un vertex ca secțiune transversală.
- O secțiune transversală nu poate fi așezată pe același plan ca cea precedentă.
- Pentru a controla mai bine forma conductei/țevii, se recomandă ca toate secțiunile transversale să aibă același număr de segmente. De exemplu, pentru o țeavă între un dreptunghi și un cerc, cercul poate fi împărțit în 4 arce conectate.
- Structure tools: Part, Group
- Helper tools: Create body, Create sketch, Attach sketch, Edit sketch, Validate sketch, Check geometry, Create a shape binder, Create a sub-object(s) shape binder, Create a clone, Create a datum plane, Create a datum line, Create a datum point, Create a local coordinate system
- Modeling tools:
- Additive tools: Pad, Revolution, Additive loft, Additive pipe, Additive helix, Additive box, Additive cylinder, Additive sphere, Additive cone, Additive ellipsoid, Additive torus, Additive prism, Additive wedge
- Subtractive tools: Pocket, Hole, Groove, Subtractive loft, Subtractive pipe, Subtractive helix, Subtractive box, Subtractive cylinder, Subtractive sphere, Subtractive cone, Subtractive ellipsoid, Subtractive torus, Subtractive prism, Subtractive wedge
- Boolean: Boolean operation
- Dress-up tools: Fillet, Chamfer, Draft, Thickness
- Transformation tools: Mirrored, Linear Pattern, Polar Pattern, Create MultiTransform, Scaled
- Extras: Sprocket, Involute gear, Shaft design wizard
- Context menu: Set tip, Move object to other body, Move object after other object, Appearance, Color per face
- Preferences: Preferences, Fine tuning

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub