Draft: Downgrade/Dezasamblare
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Menu location |
Draft → Downgrade |
Workbenches |
Draft, Arch |
Default shortcut |
D N |
Introduced in version |
- |
See also |
Draft Upgrade |
Acest instrument downgradează/ retrogradează/ descompune/ explodează obiectele selectate în moduri diferite. Dacă nu este selectat niciun obiect, veți putea selecta unul.
Two overlapping faces are downgraded to a Part Cut object, which is downgraded to a face. That face is then downgraded to a closed wire, which is finally downgraded to separate edges.
Cum se folosește
- Selectați unul sau mi multe obiecte pe caer vreți să le downgradați
- apăsați pe butonul
Draft Downgrade sau apăsați pe tasta D și apoi pe N
Instrumentul Downgrade poate fi folosit în scripturile python și macros utilizând următoarea funcție:
downgrade_list = downgrade(objects, delete=False, force=None)
- Downgradează obiectul/e dat/e (poate fi un obiect sau o listă de obiecte).
- Dacă ștergerea este True, obiectele vechi sunt șterse.
- Atributul de forță poate fi folosit pentru a forța un anumit mod de dezasambalre. Acesta poate fi: explode, shapify, subtr, splitFaces, cut2, getWire, splitWires.
- Returnează un dicționar care conține două liste, o listă de obiecte noi și o listă de obiecte care trebuie șterse
import FreeCAD as App
import Draft
doc = App.newDocument()
circle = Draft.make_circle(1000)
rectangle = Draft.make_rectangle(2000, 800)
add_list1, delete_list1 = Draft.upgrade([circle, rectangle], delete=True)
compound = add_list1[0]
add_list2, delete_list2 = Draft.downgrade(compound, delete=False)
face = add_list2[0]
add_list3, delete_list3 = Draft.downgrade(face, delete=False)
box = doc.addObject("Part::Box", "Box")
box.Length = 2300
box.Width = 800
box.Height = 1000
add_list4, delete_list4 = Draft.downgrade(box, delete=True)
- Drafting: Line, Polyline, Fillet, Arc, Arc by 3 points, Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon, B-spline, Cubic Bézier curve, Bézier curve, Point, Facebinder, ShapeString, Hatch
- Annotation: Text, Dimension, Label, Annotation styles, Annotation scale
- Modification: Move, Rotate, Scale, Mirror, Offset, Trimex, Stretch, Clone, Array, Polar array, Circular array, Path array, Path link array, Point array, Point link array, Edit, Subelement highlight, Join, Split, Upgrade, Downgrade, Wire to B-spline, Draft to sketch, Set slope, Flip dimension, Shape 2D view
- Draft Tray: Select plane, Set style, Toggle construction mode, AutoGroup
- Snapping: Snap lock, Snap endpoint, Snap midpoint, Snap center, Snap angle, Snap intersection, Snap perpendicular, Snap extension, Snap parallel, Snap special, Snap near, Snap ortho, Snap grid, Snap working plane, Snap dimensions, Toggle grid
- Miscellaneous: Apply current style, Layer, Manage layers, Add a new named group, Move to group, Select group, Add to construction group, Toggle normal/wireframe display, Create working plane proxy, Heal, Show snap toolbar
- Additional: Constraining, Pattern, Preferences, Import Export Preferences, DXF/DWG, SVG, OCA, DAT
- Context menu:
- Layer container: Merge layer duplicates, Add new layer
- Layer: Activate this layer, Select layer contents
- Text: Open hyperlinks
- Wire: Flatten
- Working plane proxy: Write camera position, Write objects state

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub