Macro Points to Splines
Description |
Creates splines from Points object sections. Macro version: 0.1 Last modified: 2024-10-23 Author: heda |
Author |
heda |
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Macro Version |
0.1 |
Date last modified |
2024-10-23 |
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None |
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None |
This macro creates splines from Points object sections.
Macro Points to Splines
Dialog for Macro Points to Splines
Initial edge length histogram shown by Macro Points to Splines
Select Points object (containing sections) and launch. See __doc__ in the code below.
Through the Addon manager.
v0.1 2024-10-23: First release.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # *************************************************************************** # * Copyright (c) 2024 heda <heda @ freecad forum> * # * * # * This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system. * # * * # * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * # * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * # * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * # * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * # * for detail see the LICENCE text file. * # * * # * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * # * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * # * * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * # * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * # * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * # * USA * # * * # *************************************************************************** __Name__ = 'Macro_Points_to_Splines' __Comment__ = 'Aligns 2 (or more) objects by bounding box..' __Author__ = 'heda @ fc-forum' __Version__ = '0.1' __Date__ = '2024-10-23' __License__ = 'LGPL-2.0-or-later' __Web__ = '' __Wiki__ = '' __Icon__ = '' __Help__ = 'Select and launch.' __Status__ = 'functional' __Requires__ = 'tested on FreeCAD v0.21' __Communication__ = '' __Files__ = '' __doc__ = """ points obj to draft-spline (or draft-wire) because a draft-spline is gui-editable allowing for fine-tuning by hand once created select a points-object and run the macro useful when reverse engineering meshes. make sections from a mesh-obj and run the macro on the resulting points-object. sections are assumed to be in the orthogonal system (xyz aligned). if not, it will not give usable results (or crash) the orientation of the splines are neither checked, nor touched, therefore reversing orientation could be needed if it turns out that the generated splines have different orientations. defaults: - merge close vertices < 0.1% (of total length) - decimate 1x (as in no decimation) - starting point (of created spline) a) as given after removal of duplicate points b) x/y/z with min/max - closed - not making a face - spline (as opposed to a wire) the code is by no means written for speed, it has an abundance of castings back and forth, as well as doing the same calculations multiple times. anyone is free to improve as they wish. if one wants to simplify a spline without distorting it, inkscape has tools for that. just export the spline as svg, open in inkscape and run simplify (ctrl+L) on the path. can then be reimported to fc as a sanitized path. """ from enum import Enum # there is a StrEnum, but not until py 3.11 from collections import deque import numpy as np import FreeCAD as App import FreeCADGui as Gui from FreeCAD.Plot import Plot import Part import Draft from PySide import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets ROUND_TO = 3 # decimals, meaning micro-meter significance Vector = App.Vector QtW = QtWidgets Qt = QtCore.Qt QMsgBox = QtW.QMessageBox QDlgBtnBox = QtW.QDialogButtonBox doc = App.ActiveDocument class FCType(Enum): PointsObj = 'Points::Feature' class Settings: merge_close = 0.1 decimate = 1 keep_original = True direction = 'y' minmax = 'max' spline = True closed = True make_face = False def plot_hist(normed, which='?', limit=0.1/100): plt = Plot.plt tpl = 'Wire #{} (open) has {} edges / {} below limit' label = tpl.format(which, len(normed), sum(normed < limit)) plt.hist(normed, label=label, alpha=0.5) fig, ax = plt.gcf(), plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel('Normed edge lengths') ax.set_ylabel('Count') ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines([limit], ymin, ymax, linestyle='--') plt.get_current_fig_manager().set_window_title('Before merging close points') def points2array(points): return np.array([list(v) for v in points]) def array2points(array): return [Vector(*p) for p in array] def remove_duplicates(points): # utilize occt auto-magical removal of duplicate points return [vtx.Point for vtx in Part.makePolygon(points).Vertexes] def extract_clusters(points): # assumes that sections are clustered in smaller to larger plane pos, and # in order, with start of a cluster at an arbitrary angle in the plane # which they appear to be in the limited testing done # the assumption is fragile, but cpu-cycle friendly d = dict() idx = list() for col in range(3): uq, uqn = np.unique(points[:, col], return_counts=True) idx.append(uqn) d[len(uqn)] = col dmin = min(d) normal = d.get(dmin) if dmin == 1: return [points], normal else: ij = np.zeros(dmin + 1, dtype=int) ij[1:] = idx[normal] ij = ij.cumsum() return [points[i:j, :] for i, j in zip(ij[:-1], ij[1:])], normal class ndeque(deque): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def drop_nth(self, n): self.rotate(-n) self.popleft() self.rotate(n) def get_first_three(self): # no native support of slicing deque's return self[0], self[1], self[2] def merge_close_verts(nbr, points, limit): # limit here is the threshold distance # this is a rather naive algorithm, could be made differently... start_len = len(points) rr = ndeque(points + points[:2] + [False]) rotate = True while rotate: rr.rotate(-1) if rr[2] is False: rotate = False continue p1, p2, p3 = rr.get_first_three() l12, l23 = (p1-p2).Length, (p2-p3).Length no_touch = l12 > limit and l23 > limit if no_touch: continue remove_center = l12 < limit and l23 < limit if remove_center: rr.drop_nth(1) rr.rotate(1) continue move_left = l12 < l23 if move_left: new_point = p1 + (p2 - p1)/2 rr[0] = new_point else: new_point = p3 + (p2 - p3)/2 rr[2] = new_point rr.drop_nth(1) rr.rotate(1) _ = [rr.popleft() for i in range(3)] msg = 'merging close verts on wire #{} - removed {} points of {}' print(msg.format(nbr, start_len - len(rr), start_len)) return list(rr) def remove_smallest_edge(array): def chord_lengths(array): # work with a closed one array = np.vstack((array, array[0])) diff = np.diff(array, axis=0) return np.sqrt( (diff**2).sum(axis=1) ) cl = chord_lengths(array) shortest = np.argmin(cl) shortest = -1 if shortest == len(array) else shortest p1, p2, p3 = array[shortest - 1], array[shortest], array[shortest + 1] l12, l23 = p2 - p1, p2 - p3 array[shortest - 1] += l12 / 2 array[shortest + 1] += l23 / 2 mask = list(range(len(array))) _ = mask.pop(shortest) array = array[mask] return array def decimation(points, factor): """ decimate (as in just removing points) is a blunt instrument, can do fairly well though when using splines. best used when there is an abundance of points """ remainder = len(points) % factor if remainder: array = points2array(points) for i in range(remainder): array = remove_smallest_edge(array) points = array2points(array) return points[::factor] def rotate(points, column, fcn): fcn = np.argmin if fcn == 'min' else np.argmax array = points2array(points) idx = fcn(array[:, column]) return points[idx:] + points[:idx] def normalize_chords(array): # uses an open wire diff = np.diff(array, axis=0) cl = np.sqrt( (diff**2).sum(axis=1) ) cls = cl.sum() return cls, cl / cls def make_splines(pobj, sts): print('* in making splines') pts = pobj.Points.Points start_pts = len(pts) pts = remove_duplicates(pts) msg = 'verts after removing dups: {} of {}' print(msg.format(len(pts), start_pts)) pts = points2array(pts).round(ROUND_TO) clusters, normal = extract_clusters(pts) ndir = {0:'yz', 1:'xz', 2:'xy'}.get(normal) msg = 'found {} sections in {}-plane' print(msg.format(len(clusters), ndir)) # make sure clusters are open for i, c in enumerate(clusters): closed = round( (c[0] - c[-1]).sum(), ROUND_TO) == 0 if closed: clusters[i] = clusters[i][:-1] ol, nc = zip(*(normalize_chords(c) for c in clusters)) limit = sts.merge_close / 100 # make the plot, makes for some redundant cpu-cycles for i, c in enumerate(nc): plot_hist(c, i, limit) clusters = [array2points(c) for c in clusters] if sts.merge_close > 0: cit = tuple(clusters) for i, items in enumerate(zip(cit, ol, nc)): ci, oli, nci = items dirty1 = sum(nci < limit) > 0 closed = ci[0] - ci[-1] dirty2 = closed.Length / oli < limit if any((dirty1, dirty2)): clusters[i] = merge_close_verts(i, ci, limit * oli) else: msg = 'Wire #{} has no close vertices to merge with given criterias' print(msg.format(i)) if sts.decimate > 1: cit = tuple(clusters) for i, ci in enumerate(cit): clusters[i] = decimation(ci, sts.decimate) if not sts.keep_original: column = dict(x=0, y=1, z=2).get(sts.direction) cit = tuple(clusters) for i, ci in enumerate(cit): clusters[i] = rotate(ci, column, sts.minmax) maker = Draft.makeBSpline if sts.spline else Draft.makeWire w = [maker(c, closed=sts.closed, face=sts.make_face) for c in clusters] doc.recompute() def infoDialog(msg): icon = QMsgBox.Information d = QMsgBox(icon, 'Points to Splines', msg) d.exec_() class Dialog(QtW.QDialog): def __init__(self, pobj=None, defaults=None): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle('Points to Splines') self.makeUI(defaults) self.pobj = pobj def makeUI(self, ds): outer = QtW.QVBoxLayout(self) dupBox = QtW.QHBoxLayout() tip = ('0.0 % leaves the spline points untouched.\n' 'Percent limit of total cordal length of points\n' 'for which a point is considered duplicate and removed.\nThe ' 'neighbouring point is relocated to the midpoint of the two.') dupLabel = QtW.QLabel('Merge Close:') dupLabel.setToolTip(tip) dupBox.addWidget(dupLabel) merge_close = self.merge_close = QtW.QDoubleSpinBox() merge_close.setRange(0, 5) merge_close.setSuffix('%') merge_close.setDecimals(1) merge_close.setSingleStep(0.1) merge_close.setValue(ds.merge_close) merge_close.setToolTip(tip) dupBox.addWidget(merge_close) outer.addLayout(dupBox) decBox = QtW.QHBoxLayout() tip = '1x leaves the spline points untouched.' decLabel = QtW.QLabel('Decimate:') decLabel.setToolTip(tip) decBox.addWidget(decLabel) decimate = self.decimate = QtW.QSpinBox() decimate.setRange(1, 10) decimate.setSuffix('x') decimate.setValue(ds.decimate) decimate.setToolTip(tip) decBox.addWidget(decimate) outer.addLayout(decBox) gBox = QtW.QGroupBox('Indicate start point') gvBox = QtW.QVBoxLayout() cb = self.cb = QtW.QCheckBox('Use as given') cb.setToolTip('Uncheck to use x/y/z & min/max.') cb.setChecked(ds.keep_original) cb.toggled.connect(self.toggled_keep_original) gvBox.addWidget(cb) xyz = = QtW.QButtonGroup() tmpBox = QtW.QHBoxLayout() for s in 'xyz': rb = QtW.QRadioButton(s) rb.setEnabled(not ds.keep_original) xyz.addButton(rb) tmpBox.addWidget(rb) xyz.buttons()[1].setChecked(True) gvBox.addLayout(tmpBox) minmax = self.minmax = QtW.QButtonGroup() tmpBox = QtW.QHBoxLayout() for s in ('min', 'max'): rb = QtW.QRadioButton(s) rb.setEnabled(not ds.keep_original) minmax.addButton(rb) tmpBox.addWidget(rb) rb.setChecked(True) gvBox.addLayout(tmpBox) gBox.setLayout(gvBox) outer.addWidget(gBox) hbox = QtW.QHBoxLayout() spline = self.spline = QtW.QCheckBox('Spline') spline.setChecked(ds.spline) hbox.addWidget(spline) closed = self.closed = QtW.QCheckBox('Closed') closed.setChecked(ds.closed) hbox.addWidget(closed) make_face = self.make_face = QtW.QCheckBox('Make Face') make_face.setChecked(ds.make_face) hbox.addWidget(make_face) outer.addLayout(hbox) CancelOk = QDlgBtnBox(QDlgBtnBox.Cancel | QDlgBtnBox.Ok) CancelOk.accepted.connect(self.accept) CancelOk.rejected.connect(self.close) outer.addWidget(CancelOk) self.setLayout(outer) def toggled_keep_original(self): enabled = not self.cb.isChecked() _ = [b.setEnabled(enabled) for b in] _ = [b.setEnabled(enabled) for b in self.minmax.buttons()] def getSettings(self): sts = Settings() sts.merge_close = self.merge_close.value() sts.decimate = self.decimate.value() sts.keep_original = self.cb.isChecked() sts.direction = sts.minmax = self.minmax.checkedButton().text() sts.spline = self.spline.isChecked() sts.closed = self.closed.isChecked() sts.make_face = self.make_face.isChecked() return sts def accept(self): self.close() make_splines(self.pobj, self.getSettings()) sel = Gui.Selection.getSelection() if len(sel) > 0: # take the first points object for obj in sel: if obj.TypeId == FCType.PointsObj.value: dlg = Dialog(obj, Settings()) break else: infoDialog('Please select one Points-object\nand rerun macro.')