FreeCAD would not be what it is without the generous contributions of many people. Here's an overview of the people and companies who contributed to FreeCAD over time. For credits for the third party libraries see the Third Party Libraries page.
Project managers
Lead developers of the FreeCAD project:
Main developers
People who work regularly on the FreeCAD code (retrieved from
- Abdullah Tahiriyo
- Alexander Golubev (Fat-Zer)
- Bernd Hahnbach
- Brad Collette (sliptonic)
- Daniel Falck
- Eivind Kvedalen
- f3nix
- Ian Rees
- Jan Rheinlaender
- Jonathan Wiedemann (rockn)
- Jose Luis Cercos Pita (sanguinariojoe)
- Logari81
- Luke A. Parry
- mdinger
- mghansen
- Przemo Firszt(PrzemoF)
- sgrogan
- shoogen
- Stefan Tröger (ickby)
- tanderson69 (blobfish)
- vejmarie
- Victor Titov (DeepSOIC)
- wandererfan
Other coders
Other people who contributed code to the FreeCAD project:
- Barleyman
- Berthold Grupp
- dbtayl
- Dmitry Chigrin
- ezzieyguywuf
- fandaL
- Georg Wiora
- Graeme van der Vlugt
- itain
- j-dowsett
- Jacques-Antoine Gaudin
- jcc242
- jmaustpc
- Joachim Zettler
- jobermayr
- Johan3DV
- jonnor
- keithsloan52
- Ken Cline
- Mandeep Singh
- marktaff
- Martin Burbaum
- maurerpe
- ovginkel
- peterl94
- plaes
- poutine70
- TheMarkster
- qingfengxia
- Remigiusz Fiedler (DXF-parser)
- SebKuzminsky
- tomate44
- triplus
- usakhelo
Companies which donated code, assets or developer time:
- AlephObjects
- Imetric 3D
- KiCad Services Corporation
- OpeningDesign
Forum moderators
People in charge of the FreeCAD forum (retrieved from
- agryson
- Daniel Falck
- DeepSOIC
- ediloren
- jmaustpc
- jriegel
- Logari81
- mrlukeparry
- onesz
- PrzemoF
- r-frank
- Renato Rebelo
- rockn
- shoogen
- wmayer
- yorik
People from the community who put a lot of efforts in helping the FreeCAD project either by being active on the forum, keeping a blog about FreeCAD, making video tutorials, packaging FreeCAD for Windows/Linux/macOS, writing a FreeCAD book... (listed by alphabetical order) (retrieved from
- bejant
- Brad Collette
- cblt2l
- cox
- Daniel Falck
- Eduardo Magdalena
- hobbes1069
- jdurston (5needinput)
- John Morris (butchwax)
- Kunda1
- Kwahooo
- lhagan
- marcxs
- Mario52
- Normandc
- peterl94
- pperisin
- Quick61
- Renato Rivoira (renatorivo)
- Rockn
- triplus
- ulrich1a
Documentation writers
People who wrote the documentation on this wiki:
- bejant
- Ediloren
- Eduardo Magdalena
- Hervé Blorec
- Honza32
- Isaac Ayala
- piffpoof
- Renato Rivoira (renatorivo)
- Roland Frank (r-frank)
- Vocx
- Wurstwasser
People who helped to translate the FreeCAD application (retrieved from
- Alexandre Prokoudine
- Angelescu Constantin
- asakura
- Bartlomiej Niemiec
- BavariaSHAPE
- Bitacovir
- BLOREC Hervé
- bluecd
- Bruno Gonçalves Pirajá
- David69
- Ettore Atalan
- fandaL
- Gerhard Scheepers
- Gnrc
- Granet Jean-Pierre
- hanhsuan
- Harald Geier
- hicarl
- Holdi
- Honza32
- htsubota
- Igor
- javierMG
- Jiyong Choi
- Jodbe
- Jozef Kundlák
- kaktus
- kunguz
- Lars
- Le Loup
- Luc
- Maker
- Marosh
- Masaya Ootsuki
- Meme2704
- Miguel Morais
- Nicu Tofan
- nikoss
- Pasi Kukkola
- Peta T
- Peter Hageman
- Peter Klofutar
- pinkpony
- rako
- Raulshc
- sema
- Skywalker21
- Starofrainnight
- Timo Seppola
- totyg
- trzyha
- Victor Radulescu
- Vilfredo
- wbrwbr2011
- Wurstwasser
- yang12
- Zdeněk Havlík
- Дмитрий Сидоров
- Марко Пејовић
- Николай Матвеев
- Федір
- JYSEO2016
Addons developers
Developers of FreeCAD addons (retrieved from
- amrit3701
- a179308
- cblt2l
- furti
- hamish2014
- javierMG
- jmwright
- jreinhardt
- looooo
- Maaphoo
- marmni
- microelly2
- Rentlau
- shaise
- triplus

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub