
From FreeCAD Documentation
This page is a translated version of the page Screenshots and the translation is 29% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

這裏的截圖展示了FreeCAD的不同部分。他們並為按照特定的時間線排序,因此這些圖片也許與你的真實版本不同。在 論壇截圖跟帖以及論壇用戶秀查看更多的有FreeCAD用戶提交的截圖。

The 1.0 release

0.17 版

0.16 版

0.15 版

0.14 版

A jeep modeled by psicofil

A house made with the Arch module by rockn

Mesh curvature analysis by the Mesh module


The 0.12 release

Assembly of multiple objects

A fully-constrained sketch revolved to create a bike rim section

The 0.11 release

The 0.10 release

The 0.9 release