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FreeCAD 是一个真正的跨平台应用程序,基于世界知名的 Qt 框架之上。这意味着 FreeCAD 外观和行为与在 Windows, Linux 和 Mac 上是一致的。然而,安装过程在每个操作系统上是有所不同的。在下面选择你的操作系统以获得更多细节关于如何安装 FreeCAD。

'Windows' 'Linux' 'Mac'
在 Windows 上安装 在 Linux 上安装 在 Mac 上安装

Help files

See Installing Helpfile.

External workbenches

除了默认捆绑在 FreeCAD 的 工作台 以外,还有由社区成员制作的一堆很有用额外工作台和模块在网络持续增长。几个进行中的成果是收集它们和令它们方便地展示给你。下面是它们的列表。



FreeCAD supports several third party software packages out of the box. In many cases all you need to do is install the software, and when FreeCAD is restarted it will automatically find and be able to use it. This section aims to provide a list of such software packages, together with some information about where they are used in FreeCAD and where they can be downloaded.



一种用于与Git仓库进行交互的python库。FreeCAD中的此功能在还处于开发状态中。插件管理器可利用此库从Git仓库中导入各种扩展插件。此项目托管在GitHub中的 https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython

GitPython is a library to interact with Git repositories. The Addon Manager can use this library. GitPython is included in the FreeCAD installers for Windows and Mac.


GraphViz是一款开源的图形可视化(graph visualization)软件。在FreeCAD中可通过Tools → Dependency Graph...来令它生成依赖图。它的主页位于 https://www.graphviz.org

GraphViz is an open source graph visualization software. It is used by the Std DependencyGraph tool.


一种提供计算机辅助制造(computer aided manufacturing (CAM))算法的开源库。在FreeCAD中的路径工作台(Path Workbench)会用到它。OpenCAMLib的首页位于 http://www.anderswallin.net/CAM/

OpenCAMLib is an open source library of computer aided manufacturing (CAM) algorithms. It is used in the CAM Workbench. See the OpenCamLib page for installation instructions.


此程序化3D实体CAD建模工具是另一种基于结构实体几何(Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG))的CAD软件。这意味着:它不能处理网格,而是专用于操作实体几何图形。在FreeCAD中,可通过在File → ImportFile → Export菜单中选择OpenSCAD CSG formatOpenSCAD format文件类型来导入、导出OpenSCAD所创建的文件。您可以从 https://www.openscad.org 处搞到OpenSCAD。

OpenSCAD is a solid 3D modeller. The OpenSCAD Workbench depends on this software and the Mesh Workbench uses it for its Boolean tools. It is also required for the import of SCAD files with the Std Import tool.

File formats

All software in this section will be used by the Std Import or Std Export tools.

CAD Exchanger

此为一种用于交换CAD中所用各种文件格式的专用闭源应用程序。您可以用它把专有闭源的格式转换为FreeCAD可访问的格式。本工具的主页为 https://cadexchanger.com/ ,在此,您可以下载该软件的评估版或购买该软件的使用许可。

CADExchanger is a commercial application for exchanging various CAD file formats. There is an external workbench to use this application in FreeCAD.

DXF Importer

FreeCAD中有一个以C++编写的DXF原生导入、导出工具。 此导入器当前还未实现DXF格式的所有特性。如果您用到了那些还没有实现的特性,可通过在Edit → Preferences → Import-Export中选择Use legacy python importer选项来开启基于python的旧版导入/导出工具。您还可以通过Allow FreeCAD to automatically download and update the DXF libaries选项令FreeCAD自动从 https://github.com/yorikvanhavre/Draft-dxf-importer 下载所需文件,或自己手动下载。被选中的导入 / 导出工具用于实现File → ImportFile → ExportAutoDesk DXF 2D文件格式的导入导出工作。(译注:简而言之,原生导入导出器有新旧两种,旧版以python编写,功能完整但速度较慢;新版由C++编写,速度快但功能还未完整实现。)

FreeCAD has a native importer and exporter for DXF files, programmed in C++. Currently they do not implement all features of the DXF format. For those features the legacy Python importer and exporter are still available. These require the Draft-dxf-importer Python library. See the FreeCAD and DXF Import page for more information.

DWG converters

FreeCAD cannot directly read and write DWG files. To convert DXF files to DWG files, and vice-versa, FreeCAD relies on external converters. There is built-in support for the following DWG converters:

See Import Export Preferences and FreeCAD and DWG Import for more information.


IfcOpenShell是一种用来处理建筑设计所用Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)文件格式的库。可在建筑工作台(Arch Workbench)中通过Arch → Utilities → Ifc Explorer来访问它。ifcOpenShell的主页位于 http://ifcopenshell.org

IfcOpenShell is a library for working with the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) file format used in architectural design. The library is also used by the Arch IfcExplorer (version 0.18 and below) and BIM IfcExplorer tools. IfcOpenShell is included in the FreeCAD installers for Windows and Mac.


IfcJson is a library required for exporting to the IFCJSON file format. IFCJSON is a new IFC format that is not yet supported by many applications.


Pycollada,又名python-collada,是一款用来读写COLLADA文档(一种用于交换3D场景与元素的标准)的Python库。如果您安装了pycollada,就可以通过在File → ImportFile → Export命令中选择COLLADA文件类型,以COLLADA导入/导出场景。此项目托管于GitHub中的 https://pycollada.github.io/ ,您可以从 https://github.com/pycollada/pycollada/releases/ 下载其发行版。

Pycollada, also known as python-collada, is a Python library to read and write Collada (DAE) files. Pycollada is included in the FreeCAD installers for Windows and Mac.



LuxCoreRender is a render engine, reboot of the LuxRender project. Officially it is not supported by the Raytracing Workbench, but it might be worth to give it a try. It is officially supported by the new Render Workbench, intended as a future replacement of the Raytracing Workbench. See the LuxCoreRender page for more information and installation instructions.


LuxRender is one of the two render engines supported by the Raytracing Workbench. In 2013 the project has been rebooted becoming LuxCoreRender, with a major code rewriting and compatibility breaking changes. Officially the Raytracing Workbench only supports the abandoned LuxRender (latest version is 1.6, 2017-12-28), while the new Render Workbench (intended as a future replacement of the Raytracing Workbench) supports instead LuxCoreRender and has dropped the support for LuxRender. Anyway, even if officially not supported, LuxCoreRender may work with the Raytracing Workbench, it might be worth to give it a try. See the LuxRender page for more information and installation instructions, and the LuxCoreRender if you want to try a more modern software.


POVRay是一款人所共知的光线追踪器,借助它可渲染出照片级的图像。它在FreeCAD光线追踪工作台(Raytracing Workbench)目前所支持的两种光追器中坐有一席。可以从 https://www.povray.org 下载到POVRay。

POV-Ray is a well-known ray-tracer which can render photo-realistic images. It is one of two render engines currently supported by the Raytracing Workbench. See the POV-Ray page for more information and installation instructions.

Finite element



  • CalculiX CrunchiX, 或calculix-ccx为一种有限元求解器(FEM solver)。
  • CalculiX GraphiX, 或calculix-cgx为一种显示求解器计算结果的GUI前端。

CalculiX is a suite of two finite element packages: CalculiX CrunchiX, a FEM solver, and CalculiX GraphiX, a GUI frontend. Only the solver is supported by FreeCAD. It is used by the FEM SolverCalculixCxxtools tool.


一种3D有限元网格自动生成器。可在FreeCAD的有限元工作台(FEM workbench)中,通过Mesh → FEM mesh from shape by gmsh来使用它。gmsh的主页位于 http://www.geuz.org/gmsh

Gmsh is an automatic finite element mesh generator. it is used by the FEM MeshGmshFromShape and Mesh FromPartShape tools.


Elmer是一种多物理模拟软件,开源于2005年。在FreeCAD中,可通过Solve->Solver Elmer有限元工作台(FEM Workbench)调用Elmer的网格与求解(Grid and Solver)模块。Elmer项目的主页位于 https://www.elmerfem.org ,可从GitHub中的 https://github.com/ElmerCSC/elmerfem/releases 处下载。

Elmer is a multi-physics simulation software, which was open sourced in 2005. In FreeCAD its Grid and Solver modules are used by the FEM SolverElmer tool.


FEniCS是一种解偏微分方程(partial differential equations (PDEs))的计算平台,广泛应用于解决有限元(FEM)问题。自然而然,有限元工作台(FEM Workbench)也不例外。在FreeCAD里,可通过在File → ImportFile → Export中选择FEM mesh fenics文件格式来导入或导出FEniCS网格。FEniCS的主页位于 https://fenicsproject.org

FEniCS is a computing platform to solve partial differential equations (PDEs), which are widely used when solving FEM problems. It is used by the FEM workbench


Z88是另一种FEM程序,内含网格生成器、求解器与转换器,用于FreeCAD的有限元工作台中。可通过Solve-Solver Z88来访问它。Z88发布了多种包,皆为闭源免费使用。而Z88OS则是发布于开源许可证之下,这正是FreeCAD所梦寐以求的。Z88的首页为 https://en.z88.de/ 。Z88OS也托管于GitHub上: https://github.com/LSCAD/Z88OS ,如有需要,您可以自行编译。

Z88 is another FEM program, containing a mesher, a solver and converters. It is used by the FEM SolverZ88 tool. FreeCAD requires the open source Z88OS package.


一种用来实现场运算与处理(Field Operation and Manipulation (FOAM))的库,在计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD))仿真中会用到它。正因如此,FreeCAD中的有限元工作台便会用到OpenFOAM。您可以通过Model → Fluid constraints子菜单来访问它。此项目位于 https://openfoam.org

OpenFOAM is a large collection of libraries for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. OpenFOAM is used by the Cfd and CfdOF external workbenches.
