FEM MaterialSolid

From FreeCAD Documentation

FEM MaterialSolid

Menu location
Model → Materials → Material for solid
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM tutorial



Creates a material for solid.

The FEM material task panel


  1. To create a new MaterialSolid object do one of the following:
    • Press the Material for solid button.
    • Select the Model → Materials → Material for solid‏‎ option from the menu.
  2. To edit an existing MaterialSolid object:
  3. The FEM material task panel opens.
  4. Select a material. For example, for engineering mechanical analysis, CalculiX-Steel is a common option.
  5. Provided you are applying material to the whole object, don't select any geometrical entities (leave the reference list empty). Material will be applied to the whole model. Otherwise, assign material to particular model parts manually by selecting some of them for each inserted material, but don't leave any part of the model without material assigned.
  6. You can adjust material properties such as density, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, etc., however, most of the common materials are already available in the presets and they don't need any tweaking.
  7. If you make modifications, you can save your customized material.
  8. Press the Close button to close the task panel.
