FEM FemMesh2Mesh

From FreeCAD Documentation

FEM FemMesh2Mesh

Menu location
Mesh → FEM mesh to mesh
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM tutorial


This tool converts surfaces of 3D elements or whole 2D elements of a selected FEM mesh to surface mesh. Internally, it picks FEM mesh element faces that are unique (not shared by two elements) and uses them to create faces of a surface mesh. Optionally, it can be used to save a deformed mesh. This is done by adding the displacement of the FEM results to the mesh nodes (the scale of the displacement can be set using Python).

introduced in version 1.0: The tool also creates a Mesh2Fem object which is a triangular FEM mesh generated from the surface mesh.


  1. Select a FEM mesh object.
  2. Optionally also select the FEM results.
  3. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the FEM mesh to mesh button.
    • Select the Mesh → FEM mesh to mesh option from the menu.


Note: The parameter scale was introduced in version 0.21. For older versions of FreeCAD omit it from your code.

The cantilever example in FreeCAD version 1.0:

from os.path import join
import FreeCAD as App
import Mesh
from femmesh import femmesh2mesh

path = join(App.getResourceDir(), "examples", "FEMExample.FCStd")
doc = App.openDocument(path)
fem_mesh = doc.FEMMeshGmsh.FemMesh
result = doc.CCX_Results
scale = 10  # displacement scale factor
out_mesh = femmesh2mesh.femmesh_2_mesh(fem_mesh, result, scale)