FEM ConstraintTemperature

From FreeCAD Documentation

FEM ConstraintTemperature

Menu location
Model → Thermal boundary conditions and loads → Temperature boundary condition
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM tutorial

CalculiX, Elmer


Defines a temperature boundary condition or, optionally, a concentrated heat flux load.


  1. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Temperature boundary condition button.
    • Select the Model → Thermal boundary conditions and loads → Temperature boundary condition option from the menu.
  2. Press the Add button.
  3. In the 3D view select the objects the boundary condition should be applied to, which can be vertices, edges, or faces. Optionally, press the Remove button and click on the objects that you want to remove from the selection.
  4. Choose the constraint type and specify its parameter:
    • Temperature (default) - temperature boundary condition, enter the Temperature (K)
    • CFlux - concentrated heat flux load, enter the Concentrated heat flux (mW) - this value will be divided by the number of nodes on the underlying geometrical entity to achieve a total flux of a given magnitude on that entity
