Below are the different donation options currently supported by the project. Remember, it will never be required to pay money to use, study, distribute or develop FreeCAD. Donations however help FreeCAD and its developers to dedicate time and ressources to make the project grow faster and further.
FreeCAD LiberaPay team (recommended) |
![]() SEPA bank transfer: IBAN BE04 0019 2896 4531 | |||
![]() |
Ver otras formas de ayuda al proyecto (documentación, traducción).
- Hay una oficial Cuenta equipo FreeCAD; dona a través de tarjeta crédito, Paypal o transferencia bancaria SEPA. Todo el dinero que se reciba aquí se repartirá a partes iguales entre los desarrolladores de la lista. Esta es la mejor opción ya que ayuda a los desarrolladores directamente.
FreeCAD has an official PayPal account where you can donate any amount by credit card or your own Paypal account, one time only or recurrently. The PayPal account is managed by the FPA. Paypal is a convenient platform but charges a fee on what FreeCAD receives.
FreeCAD has an Euro bank account where you can transfer money directly via your own banking application. The IBAN number is BE04 0019 2896 4531, owned by the FreeCAD project association. The bank agency is BNP Paribas Fortis, address: Rue de la Station 64, 1360 Perwez, Belgium, BIC/SWIFT code: GEBABEBBXXX
FreeCAD has an official OpenCollective PayPal account where you can donate any amount, one time only or recurrently, via credit card, SEPA transfer or Paypal. The OpenCollective account is managed by the FPA. OpenCollective is a good option as it is independent and used by many open-source projects. OpenCollective is also a 501(c) non-profit organization and can issue donation receipts useful for US taxpayers.
GitHub sponsors is a sponsoring platform offered by GitHub, where the FreeCAD source code is hosted. There you can donate any amount monthly to FreeCAD, via credit card or Paypal. The GitHub sponsors account is managed by the FPA.
FreeCAD has a Stripe donation account where you can make a one-time donation via a credit card.
- Apoyar los costes de alojamiento web donando directamente a Jürgen Riegel's cuenta paypal. Jürgen es el desarrollador original de FreeCAD.
Funding a specific developer
- Algunos desarrolladores harán una tarea específica por dinero o pueden ser patrocinados para pasar tiempo trabajando en FreeCAD. Ha habido un par de experimentos exitosos en el pasado, como el Path Ambiente de trabajo o El experimento de financiación de Ian Rees. Por el momento, los siguientes desarrolladores pueden ser patrocinados:
- Yorik vía
Patreon o
Liberapay (Borrador, Arquitectura, BIM, IFC)
- Kurt Kremitzki vía
Patreon o
Liberapay (infraestructura, servidores, embalaje, Debian/Ubuntu)
- Lei Zheng alias Realthunder vía PayPal,
Liberapay o
Patreon (Enlace de la aplicación, Asamblea3)
- Lorenz alias looooo vía
Liberapay (FCGears ambiente de trabajo, Conda embalaje)
- Amritpal Singh alias amrit3701 vía
Liberapay o
Patreon (Complemento barra de refuerzo)
- Brad Collette alias sliptonic vía
Liberapay o
Patreon (Ambiente de trabajo Trayectoria)
- Yorik vía
- Yorik via
Liberapay or
GitHub (Draft, BIM, IFC)
- Kurt Kremitzki via
Patreon or
Liberapay (infrastructure, servers, packaging, Debian/Ubuntu)
- Lei Zheng aka Realthunder via PayPal,
Liberapay or
Patreon (App Link, Assembly3)
- Lorenz aka looooo via
Liberapay (FCGears workbench, Conda packaging)
- Amritpal Singh aka amrit3701 via
Liberapay or
Patreon (Rebar addon)
- Brad Collette aka sliptonic via
Liberapay or
Patreon (CAM Workbench)
- Ajinkya Dahale via
Liberapay or
GitHub (B-Spline constraints project and general FreeCAD bugfixing/enhancing)
- Frank David Martínez via
Liberapay (Marz workbench for guitar design)
- Yorik via
- Puede que haya otros desarrolladores interesados en hacer un trabajo específico para el proyecto; si quieres acelerar el desarrollo de una idea o característica, considera la posibilidad de contratar a un desarrollador. Depende de ti construir una idea, discutirla en el foro y encontrar desarrolladores interesados en hacerla. Puedes ofrecer un trabajo en el Subforo de ofertas de trabajo.
- Los trabajos de modelado también son bienvenidos. No todos los usuarios experimentados de FreeCAD son desarrolladores. Los usuarios experimentados pueden ayudar a migrar sus proyectos a FreeCAD, lo que contribuye a popularizar el software en las organizaciones. Ver FreeCAD usado en producción.
We call sponsoring the act of donating money recurrently to the FreeCAD project. You can do that as an individual or as a company or institution, through different channels or platforms, depending on your preferences. You can sponsor FreeCAD via the sponsoring page.
Sponsoring FreeCAD allows its developers to count on a steady flow of income, so it allows the FPA to plan things ahead, and the FreeCAD developers to invest themselves more seriously into FreeCAD.
To encourage persons and companies to sponsor the FreeCAD project, we have created different sponsoring tiers. By donating regularly to the project, you will have the possibility to have your name, company name and/or logo to be featured on the FreeCAD website, depending on the tier you fit into:
- ♥ Normal sponsor: from 1 USD / 1 EUR per month. You will not have your name displayed on the sponsors page, but you will have helped the project a lot anyway. Together, normal sponsors maintain the project on its feet as much as the bigger sponsors.
- 🥉 Bronze sponsor: from 25 USD / 25 EUR per month. Allows you to have your name or company name displayed on the sponsors page.
- 🥈 Silver sponsor: from 100 USD / 100 EUR per month. Allows you to have your name or company name displayed on the sponsors page, with a link to your website, and a one-line description text.
- 🥇 Gold sponsor: from 200 USD / 200 EUR per month. Allows you to have your name or company name and logo displayed on the sponsors page, with a link to your website and a custom description text. Companies that have helped FreeCAD early on will also appear under Gold sponsors.
Instead of donating each month, you might find it more comfortable to make a one-time donation that, when divided by twelve, would give you right to enter a sponsoring tier. Don't hesitate to do so!
The FreeCAD project association (FPA) is a non-profit association created in 2022 by FreeCAD's administrators and core developers and seated in Belgium. It is responsible for transparently collecting, handling and distributing the money collected via donations. More details and reports are available on the FPA page. Excepting the LiberaPay team account, which is directly manager by its members, all other donation channels above are handled and managed by the FPA.
Tax deductions
The FPA, although it is a non-profit organization, is not a charity organization. People and companies donating to the FPA are therefore not entitled to a tax deduction by Belgian law. Each country, however, has its own rules and laws to decide upon what gives their citizen right to tax reduction or not. You are always advised to consult the laws of your own country.
The FPA can anyway always issue a donation receipt. Mail us with your donation details and we will gladly send you a receipt.

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub