Cubo de navegación

From FreeCAD Documentation
This page is a translated version of the page Navigation Cube and the translation is 31% complete.


El Cubo de navegación brinda información visual sobre la orientación de la cámara en la vista 3D actual y se puede usar para cambiarla. De forma predeterminada, es visible y reside en la esquina superior derecha de la vista.

El Cubo de Navegación consta de varias partes:

Se puede hacer clic en todas las partes, excepto en los indicadores de eje.


Cubo principal

El cubo principal tiene 26 caras: 6 caras principales, 12 caras de borde rectangulares (introduced in version 0.20) y 8 caras de esquina. Al hacer clic en cualquiera de ellos, se reorienta la cámara para que su dirección sea perpendicular a la cara seleccionada.

Flechas Direccionales

There are six directional arrows: four triangular arrowheads and two curved arrows. Clicking one of the triangular arrows rotates the 3D view around a line perpendicular to the direction of the arrow. Clicking a curved arrow rotates the 3D view around the view direction.

Reverse view button

Clicking the round button in the top right corner of the Navigation Cube rotates the 3D view 180 degrees around the vertical axis of the view.

Mini-cube menu

Clicking the small cube in the bottom right corner of the Navigation Cube brings up a menu with the following options:

  • Orthographic view: switches to an orthographic view.
  • Perspective view: switches to a perspective view.
  • Isometric: switches to an isometric view.
  • Fit all: zooms and pans the camera so that all visible objects fit inside the view.
  • Fit selection: zooms and pans the camera so that all selected objects fit inside the view. introduced in version 1.0
  • Align to selection: points the camera in the view in the opposite direction of the normal of a planar face, or the opposite direction of a straight edge. introduced in version 1.0
  • Movable navigation cube: if this checkbox (introduced in version 0.21) is checked the entire Navigation Cube can be moved by holding down the left mouse button anywhere on the main cube and dragging. This is intended to temporarily move the cube out of the way. The advanced parameters OffsetX and OffsetY can be used to permanently reposition the cube, see below.



The Navigation Cube is controlled by several preferences: Edit → Preferences... → Display → Navigation → Navigation cube. See Preferences Editor.

Parámetros avanzados

Some advanced Navigation Cube parameters cannot be changed in the Preferences Editor. These parameters can be set manually in the Parameter editor.

To manually set colors:

  1. Start the Parameter editor.
  2. In the panel on the left browse to BaseApp → Preferences → NaviCube.
  3. Right-click the panel on the right and select New unsigned item from the context menu.
  4. Enter the name of one of these colors:
    • BaseColor: the base color of all elements, the default is 3806916544 (hex: e2e8efc0). This color can be also set in the Preferences Editor. introduced in version 0.21
    • EmphaseColor: the color of the texts and lines, the default depends on the BaseColor. It is either black: 255 (hex: 000000ff), or white: 4294967295 (hex: ffffffff). introduced in version 0.21
    • HiliteColor: the color used to highlight the faces and buttons, the default is 2867003391 (hex: aae2ffff).
  5. The color value must be entered as a 32-bit unsigned integer. Translated to the hexadecimal format this integer has the form RRGGBBAA. Where AA stands for the alpha channel (a measure for the transparency), and the other three digit pairs stand for red, green and blue. To convert a hexadecimal value to an unsigned integer you can use the Python console, enter for example int("323232ff", 16).
  6. Optionally set more parameters.
  7. Press the Close button.

The table below lists the other advanced Navigation Cube parameters that can be set in a similar manner. Use the information from the Type column to create a correct new item in step 3.

Name Description Type Default
BorderWidth The width of the edges of the cube and the borders around the buttons in pixels. Float 1.1
ChamferSize The size of the edges and corners as a factor of the cube size. Values should be in the 0.05 - 0.18 range.

introduced in version 0.21

Float 0.12
FontStretch The font width as a percentage of the default width. Use 0 or 100 for the default font width. Integer 0
FontWeight The font weight. Higher values make the font more bold. The effect may depend on the font. Use 0 for the default font weight. Integer 0
FontZoom The size of the labels:
  • FontZoom = 1.0: Make the labels as big as possible individually.
  • 0.0 < FontZoom < 1.0: Idem but limit the maximum font size.
  • FontZoom = 0.0: Idem but use the same font size for all.
  • FontZoom < 0.0: Use the same font size for all, but scaled down.

introduced in version 0.21

Float 0.3
OffsetX The offset of the cube in the X direction relative to its corner position in pixels. Integer 0
OffsetY The offset of the cube in the Y direction relative to its corner position in pixels. Integer 0
ShowCS Toggles the display of the coordinate system (the X, Y and Z axis indicators). Boolean true
TextBottom The text on the bottom face of the cube. The default value should be translated. String BOTTOM
TextFront The text on the front face of the cube. Idem. String FRONT
TextLeft The text on the left face of the cube. Idem. String LEFT
TextRear The text on the rear face of the cube. Idem. String REAR
TextRight The text on the right face of the cube. Idem. String RIGHT
TextTop The text on the top face of the cube. Idem String TOP