Draft SetStyle

From FreeCAD Documentation

Draft SetStyle

Menu location
Utilities → Set style
Draft, BIM
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Draft AnnotationStyleEditor, Draft ApplyStyle


The Draft SetStyle command sets the default style for new objects.

The two tabs (introduced in version 1.0) of the Style settings task panel


  1. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the button in the Draft Tray. Depending on the current style settings this button can look different.
    • Draft: Select the Utilities → Set style option from the menu, or from the Tree view or 3D view context menu.
    • Draft: Use the keyboard shortcut: S then S.
  2. The Style settings task panel opens. See Options for more information.
  3. Optionally change one or more settings.
  4. Press the OK button to save the settings.
  5. The button in the Draft Tray is updated.



  • The settings on the Shape tab, except Draw style and Display mode, are not only used for Draft objects, but also for objects created with other workbenches.
  • All settings, except Draw style and Display mode, can also be changed in the preferences. See PartDesign Preferences and Draft Preferences.
  • Styles are saved in a file with a fixed name: StylePresets.json which is stored in FreeCAD's user Draft folder:
    • On Linux it is usually /home/<username>/.local/share/FreeCAD/Draft/.
    • On Windows it is %APPDATA%\FreeCAD\Draft\, which is usually C:\Users\<username>\Appdata\Roaming\FreeCAD\Draft\.
    • On macOS it is usually /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/FreeCAD/Draft/.