Draft Facebinder

From FreeCAD Documentation

Draft Facebinder

Menu location
Drafting → Facebinder
3D/BIM → Generic 3D tools → Facebinder
Draft, BIM
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The Draft Facebinder command creates a surface object from selected faces. A Draft Facebinder is parametric, it will update if you modify its source object(s).

It can be used to create an extrusion from a collection of faces. This extrusion can for example represent a wall finish in architectural design.

Facebinder created from the faces of walls


  1. Select one or more faces.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Facebinder button.
    • Draft: Select the Drafting → Facebinder option from the menu.
    • BIM: Select the 3D/BIM → Generic 3D tools → Facebinder option from the menu.
    • Draft: Use the keyboard shortcut: F then F.


See also: Property editor.

A Draft Facebinder object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:



  • DataArea (Area): (read-only) specifies the total area of the linked faces of the facebinder.
  • DataExtrusion (Distance): specifies the extrusion thickness of the facebinder.
  • DataFaces (LinkSubList): specifies the linked faces of the facebinder.
  • DataOffset (Distance): specifies an offset distance to apply between the facebinder and the original faces, prior to extrusion.
  • DataRemove Splitter (Bool): Specifies whether to remove splitter lines that divide co-planar faces of the facebinder.
  • DataSew (Bool): Specifies whether to perform a topological sewing operation on the facebinder.



  • ViewPattern (Enumeration): specifies the Draft Pattern with which to fill the faces of the facebinder. This property only works if ViewDisplay Mode is Flat Lines.
  • ViewPattern Size (Float): specifies the size of the Draft Pattern.


See also: Autogenerated API documentation and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

To create a Draft Facebinder use the make_facebinder method (introduced in version 0.19) of the Draft module. This method replaces the deprecated makeFacebinder method.

facebinder = make_facebinder(selectionset)
  • Creates a facebinder object from the given selectionset, which is a list of SelectionObjects as returned by FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx(). Only selected faces are taken into account.
    • selectionset can also be a PropertyLinkSubList.

A PropertyLinkSubList is a list of tuples; each tuple contains as first element an object, and as second element a list (or tuple) of strings; these strings indicate the names of the sub-elements (faces) of that object.

PropertyLinkSubList = [tuple1, tuple2, tuple3, ...]
PropertyLinkSubList = [(object1, list1), (object2, list2), (object3, list3), ...]
PropertyLinkSubList = [(object1, ['Face1', 'Face4', 'Face6']), ...]
PropertyLinkSubList = [(object1, ('Face1', 'Face4', 'Face6')), ...]

The thickness of the Facebinder can be added by overwriting its Extrusion attribute; the value is entered in millimeters.

The placement of the Facebinder can be changed by overwriting its Placement attribute, or by individually overwriting its Placement.Base and Placement.Rotation attributes.


import FreeCAD as App
import FreeCADGui as Gui
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

# Insert a solid box
box = doc.addObject("Part::Box", "Box")
box.Length = 2300
box.Width = 800
box.Height = 1000

# selection = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
selection = [(box, ("Face1", "Face6"))]
facebinder = Draft.make_facebinder(selection)
facebinder.Extrusion = 50


facebinder.Placement.Base = App.Vector(1000, -1000, 100)
facebinder.ViewObject.ShapeColor = (0.99, 0.99, 0.4)
