Skriptované objekty

From FreeCAD Documentation
This page is a translated version of the page Scripted objects and the translation is 5% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


Kromě standardních objektových typů jako jsou anotace, sítě a díly, nabízí FreeCAD skvělou možnost vytváření objektů 100% vytvořených skritpy Pythonu, které se nazývají Pythonovské objekty. Tyto objekty se chovají stejně jako jiné objekty FreeCADu a jsou ukládány a načítány automaticky při ukládání a otevírání souboru.

Je třeba pochopit jednu zvláštnost, tyto objekty jsou ukládány ve FcStd souborech FreeCADu s pythonovským modulem json. Tento modul převede pythonovský objekt do řetězce, který je pak možno uložit v souboru. Při načítání naopak tento modul použije uložený řetězec ke znovuvytvoření původního objektu, při tom musí mít přístup ke zdrojovému kódu, který vytvoří objekt. To znamená, že když uložíte takový uživatelský objekt a pak jej otevíráte na počítači kde není pythonovský kód, tak nebude tento objekt vytvořen. Když tedy distribuujete takový objekt někomu jinému, musíte společně s ním distribuovat i pythonovský skript, který objekt vytváří.

Note: It is possible to pack python code inside a FreeCAD file using json serializing with an App::PropertyPythonObject, but that code can never directly be run, and therefore has little use for our purpose here.

Pythonovský objekt má stejné pravidlo jako FreeCAD: Aplikace a GUI jsou odděleny do samostatných částí. Aplikační část, Document Object, definuje konstrukci objektu, zatímco část GUI, View Provider Object, definuje jak bude objekt zobrazen na displeji. View Provider Object, stejně jako další GUI objekty FreeCADu je dostupný pouze když FreeCAD běží se svým vlastním GUI. Pro vytvoření objektu je použitelných několik vlastností a metod. Vlastnosti musejí být některé z předdefinovaných typových vlastností, které nabízí FreeCAD a zobrazují se v dialogovém okně vlastností, takže mohou být uživatelem upravovány. Tímto způsobem jsou Pythonovské objekty správně a zcela parametrizovány. Můžete samostatně definovat vlastnosti objektu a jeho zobrazovacího objektu.

Basic example

Základní příklad

Následující příklad najdete v souboru src/Mod/TemplatePyMod/, společně s několika dalšími příklady:

'''Examples for a feature class and its view provider.'''

import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui
from pivy import coin

class Box:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        '''Add some custom properties to our box feature'''
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength", "Length", "Box", "Length of the box").Length = 1.0
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength", "Width", "Box", "Width of the box").Width = 1.0
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength", "Height", "Box", "Height of the box").Height = 1.0
        obj.Proxy = self

    def onChanged(self, fp, prop):
        '''Do something when a property has changed'''
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + "\n")

    def execute(self, fp):
        '''Do something when doing a recomputation, this method is mandatory'''
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Recompute Python Box feature\n")

class ViewProviderBox:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        '''Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider'''
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyColor","Color", "Box", "Color of the box").Color = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        obj.Proxy = self

    def attach(self, obj):
        '''Setup the scene sub-graph of the view provider, this method is mandatory'''
        self.shaded = coin.SoGroup()
        self.wireframe = coin.SoGroup()
        self.scale = coin.SoScale()
        self.color = coin.SoBaseColor()

        obj.addDisplayMode(self.shaded, "Shaded");
        style=coin.SoDrawStyle() = coin.SoDrawStyle.LINES
        obj.addDisplayMode(self.wireframe, "Wireframe");

    def updateData(self, fp, prop):
        '''If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here'''
        # fp is the handled feature, prop is the name of the property that has changed
        l = fp.getPropertyByName("Length")
        w = fp.getPropertyByName("Width")
        h = fp.getPropertyByName("Height")
        self.scale.scaleFactor.setValue(float(l), float(w), float(h))

    def getDisplayModes(self,obj):
        '''Return a list of display modes.'''
        return modes

    def getDefaultDisplayMode(self):
        '''Return the name of the default display mode. It must be defined in getDisplayModes.'''
        return "Shaded"

    def setDisplayMode(self,mode):
        '''Map the display mode defined in attach with those defined in getDisplayModes.\
                Since they have the same names nothing needs to be done. This method is optional'''
        return mode

    def onChanged(self, vp, prop):
        '''Here we can do something when a single property got changed'''
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + "\n")
        if prop == "Color":
            c = vp.getPropertyByName("Color")
            self.color.rgb.setValue(c[0], c[1], c[2])

    def getIcon(self):
        '''Return the icon in XPM format which will appear in the tree view. This method is\
                optional and if not defined a default icon is shown.'''
        return """
            /* XPM */
            static const char * ViewProviderBox_xpm[] = {
            "16 16 6 1",
            "   c None",
            ".  c #141010",
            "+  c #615BD2",
            "@  c #C39D55",
            "#  c #000000",
            "$  c #57C355",
            "        ........",
            "   ......++..+..",
            "   .@@@@.++..++.",
            "   .@@@@.++..++.",
            "   .@@  .++++++.",
            "  ..@@  .++..++.",
            "###@@@@ .++..++.",
            "#$$#######      ",
            "#$$#$$$$$#      ",
            "#$$#$$$$$#      ",
            "#$$#$$$$$#      ",
            " #$#$$$$$#      ",
            "  ##$$$$$#      ",
            "   #######      "};

    def dumps(self):
        '''When saving the document this object gets stored using Python's json module.\
                Since we have some un-serializable parts here -- the Coin stuff -- we must define this method\
                to return a tuple of all serializable objects or None.'''
        return None

    def loads(self,state):
        '''When restoring the serialized object from document we have the chance to set some internals here.\
                Since no data were serialized nothing needs to be done here.'''
        return None

def makeBox():
    a=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "Box")


Things to note

If your object relies on being recomputed as soon as it is created, you must do this manually in the __init__ function as it is not called automatically. This example does not require it because the onChanged method of the Box class has the same effect as the execute function, but the examples below rely on being recomputed before anything is displayed in the 3D view. In the examples, this is done manually with ActiveDocument.recompute() but in more complex scenarios you need to decide where to recompute either the whole document or the FeaturePython object.

This example produces a number of exception stack traces in the report view window. This is because the onChanged method of the Box class is called each time a property is added in __init__. When the first one is added, the Width and Height properties don't exist yet and so the attempt to access them fails.

An explanation of __getstate__ and __setstate__ which have been replaced by dumps and loads is in the forum thread obj.Proxy.Type is a dict, not a string.

obj.addProperty(...) returns obj, so that the value of the property can be set on the same line:

obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength", "Length", "Box", "Length of the box").Length = 1.0

Which is equivalent to:

obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength", "Length", "Box", "Length of the box")
obj.Length = 1.0

Other more complex example

Další složitější příklady

Tento příklad používá Modul Díl k vytvoření osmistěnu a potom vytvoří pomocí Pivy jeho reprezentaci v Coinu.

První je samotné vytvoření dokumentu:

import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Part
import pivy
from pivy import coin

class Octahedron:
  def __init__(self, obj):
     "Add some custom properties to our box feature"
     obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Length","Octahedron","Length of the octahedron").Length=1.0
     obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Width","Octahedron","Width of the octahedron").Width=1.0
     obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Height","Octahedron", "Height of the octahedron").Height=1.0
     obj.addProperty("Part::PropertyPartShape","Shape","Octahedron", "Shape of the octahedron")
     obj.Proxy = self

  def execute(self, fp):
     # Define six vetices for the shape
     v1 = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0)
     v2 = FreeCAD.Vector(fp.Length,0,0)
     v3 = FreeCAD.Vector(0,fp.Width,0)
     v4 = FreeCAD.Vector(fp.Length,fp.Width,0)
     v5 = FreeCAD.Vector(fp.Length/2,fp.Width/2,fp.Height/2)
     v6 = FreeCAD.Vector(fp.Length/2,fp.Width/2,-fp.Height/2)

     # Make the wires/faces
     f1 = self.make_face(v1,v2,v5)
     f2 = self.make_face(v2,v4,v5)
     f3 = self.make_face(v4,v3,v5)
     f4 = self.make_face(v3,v1,v5)
     f5 = self.make_face(v2,v1,v6)
     f6 = self.make_face(v4,v2,v6)
     f7 = self.make_face(v3,v4,v6)
     f8 = self.make_face(v1,v3,v6)
     fp.Shape = solid

  # helper mehod to create the faces
  def make_face(self,v1,v2,v3):
     wire = Part.makePolygon([v1,v2,v3,v1])
     face = Part.Face(wire)
     return face

Pak máme objekt pro zobrazení (view provider object), zodpovědný za zobrazení objektu ve 3D:

class ViewProviderOctahedron:
  def __init__(self, obj):
     "Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider"
     obj.addProperty("App::PropertyColor","Color","Octahedron","Color of the octahedron").Color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)
     obj.Proxy = self

  def attach(self, obj):
     "Setup the scene sub-graph of the view provider, this method is mandatory"
     self.shaded = coin.SoGroup()
     self.wireframe = coin.SoGroup()
     self.scale = coin.SoScale()
     self.color = coin.SoBaseColor()

     style=coin.SoDrawStyle() = coin.SoDrawStyle.LINES

  def updateData(self, fp, prop):
     "If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here"
     # fp is the handled feature, prop is the name of the property that has changed
     if prop == "Shape":
        s = fp.getPropertyByName("Shape")
        for i in s.Vertexes:









  def getDisplayModes(self,obj):
     "Return a list of display modes."
     return modes

  def getDefaultDisplayMode(self):
     "Return the name of the default display mode. It must be defined in getDisplayModes."
     return "Shaded"

  def setDisplayMode(self,mode):
     return mode

  def onChanged(self, vp, prop):
     "Here we can do something when a single property got changed"
     FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + "\n")
     if prop == "Color":
        c = vp.getPropertyByName("Color")

  def getIcon(self):
     return """
        /* XPM */
        static const char * ViewProviderBox_xpm[] = {
        "16 16 6 1",
        "    c None",
        ".   c #141010",
        "+   c #615BD2",
        "@   c #C39D55",
        "#   c #000000",
        "$   c #57C355",
        "        ........",
        "   ......++..+..",
        "   .@@@@.++..++.",
        "   .@@@@.++..++.",
        "   .@@  .++++++.",
        "  ..@@  .++..++.",
        "###@@@@ .++..++.",
        "#$$#######      ",
        "#$$#$$$$$#      ",
        "#$$#$$$$$#      ",
        "#$$#$$$$$#      ",
        " #$#$$$$$#      ",
        "  ##$$$$$#      ",
        "   #######      "};

  def dumps(self):
     return None

  def loads(self,state):
     return None

A nakonec, když je objekt i jeho zobrazení definováno, stačí ho už jen zavolat:


Making objects selectable

Zpřístupnění objektu k výběru

Chcete-li aby bylo možné objekt vybrat nebo alespoň jeho část, kliknutím na něj v pohledu, musíte včlenit jeho Coin konstrukci do uzlu SoFCSelection. Má-li objekt komplexní zobrazení s widgety, anotacemi atd., můžete chtít včlenit do SoFCSelection pouze nějakou část. Všechno co je SoFCSelection je průběžně skenováno FreeCADem pro detekci výběru/předvýběru, takže je rozumné nepřetěžovat jej zbytečným skenováním. Tady je co byste měli zahrnout do self.face z příkladu nahoře.

Once the parts of the scenegraph that are to be selectable are inside SoFCSelection nodes, you then need to provide two methods to handle the selection path. The selection path can take the form of a string giving the names of each element in the path, or of an array of scenegraph objects. The two methods you provide are getDetailPath, which converts from a string path to an array of scenegraph objects, and getElementPicked, which takes an element which has been clicked on in the scenegraph and returns its string name (note, not its string path).

Here is the molecule example above, adapted to make the elements of the molecule selectable:

class Molecule:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        ''' Add two point properties '''
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","p1","Line","Start point")
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","p2","Line","End point").p2=FreeCAD.Vector(5,0,0)

        obj.Proxy = self

    def onChanged(self, fp, prop):
        if prop == "p1" or prop == "p2":
            ''' Print the name of the property that has changed '''
            fp.Shape = Part.makeLine(fp.p1,fp.p2)

    def execute(self, fp):
        ''' Print a short message when doing a recomputation, this method is mandatory '''
        fp.Shape = Part.makeLine(fp.p1,fp.p2)

class ViewProviderMolecule:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        ''' Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider '''
        obj.Proxy = self
        self.ViewObject = obj
        sel1 = coin.SoType.fromName('SoFCSelection').createInstance()
        # sel1.policy.setValue(coin.SoSelection.SHIFT)
        sel2 = coin.SoType.fromName('SoFCSelection').createInstance()
        self.updateData(obj.Object, 'p2')
        self.sel1 = sel1
        self.sel2 = sel2

    def getDetailPath(self, subname, path, append):
        vobj = self.ViewObject
        if append:

            mode = vobj.SwitchNode.whichChild.getValue()
            if mode >= 0:
                mode = vobj.SwitchNode.getChild(mode)
                sub = Part.splitSubname(subname)[-1]
                if sub == 'Atom1':
                elif sub == 'Atom2':
        return True

    def getElementPicked(self, pp):
        path = pp.getPath()
        if path.findNode(self.sel1) >= 0:
            return 'Atom1'
        if path.findNode(self.sel2) >= 0:
            return 'Atom2'
        raise NotImplementedError

    def updateData(self, fp, prop):
        "If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here"
        # fp is the handled feature, prop is the name of the property that has changed
        if prop == "p1":
            p = fp.getPropertyByName("p1")
        elif prop == "p2":
            p = fp.getPropertyByName("p2")

    def dumps(self):
        return None

    def loads(self,state):
        return None

def makeMolecule():

Working with simple shapes

Práce s jednoduchými tvary

Jestliže z parametrického objektu vychází jednoduchý tvar, není nutné používat zobrazovací objekt. Tvar bude zobrazován použitím standardního zobrazování tvarů ve FreeCADu.

import FreeCAD as App
import FreeCADGui
import FreeCAD
import Part
class Line:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        '''"App two point properties" '''
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","p1","Line","Start point")
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","p2","Line","End point").p2=FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0)
        obj.Proxy = self

    def execute(self, fp):
        '''"Print a short message when doing a recomputation, this method is mandatory" '''
        fp.Shape = Part.makeLine(fp.p1,fp.p2)

a.ViewObject.Proxy=0 # just set it to something different from None (this assignment is needed to run an internal notification)

Same code with use ViewProviderLine

import FreeCAD as App
import FreeCADGui
import FreeCAD
import Part

class Line:
    def __init__(self, obj):
         '''"App two point properties" '''
         obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","p1","Line","Start point")
         obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","p2","Line","End point").p2=FreeCAD.Vector(100,0,0)
         obj.Proxy = self

    def execute(self, fp):
        '''"Print a short message when doing a recomputation, this method is mandatory" '''
        fp.Shape = Part.makeLine(fp.p1,fp.p2)

class ViewProviderLine:
   def __init__(self, obj):
      ''' Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider '''
      obj.Proxy = self

   def getDefaultDisplayMode(self):
      ''' Return the name of the default display mode. It must be defined in getDisplayModes. '''
      return "Flat Lines"


Scenegraph Structure

You may have noticed that the examples above construct their scenegraphs in slightly different ways. Some use obj.addDisplayMode(node, "modename") while others use obj.SwitchNode.getChild(x).addChild(y).

Each feature in a FreeCAD document is based the following scenegraph structure:

 \- SwitchNode
     \- Shaded
      - Wireframe
      - etc

The SwitchNode displays only one of its children, depending on which display mode is selection in FreeCAD.

The examples which use addDisplayMode are constructing their scenegraphs solely out of coin3d scenegraph elements. Under the covers, addDisplayMode adds a new child to the SwitchNode; the name of that node will match the display mode it was passed.

The examples which use SwitchNode.getChild(x).addChild also construct part of their geometry using functions from the Part workbench, such as fp.Shape = Part.makeLine(fp.p1,fp.p2). This constructs the different display mode scenegraphs under the SwitchNode; when we later come to add coin3d elements to the scenegraph, we need to add them to the existing display mode scenegraphs using addChild rather than creating a new child of the SwitchNode.

When using addDisplayMode() to add geometry to the scenegraph, each display mode should have its own node which is passed to addDisplayMode(); don't reuse the same node for this. Doing so will confuse the selection mechanism. It's okay if each display mode's node has the same geometry nodes added below it, just the root of each display mode needs to be distinct.

Here is the above molecule example, adapted to be drawn only with Coin3D scenegraph objects instead of using objects from the Part workbench:

import Part
from pivy import coin

class Molecule:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        ''' Add two point properties '''
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","p1","Line","Start point")
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","p2","Line","End point").p2=FreeCAD.Vector(5,0,0)

        obj.Proxy = self

    def onChanged(self, fp, prop):

    def execute(self, fp):
        ''' Print a short message when doing a recomputation, this method is mandatory '''

class ViewProviderMolecule:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        ''' Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider '''
        self.constructed = False
        obj.Proxy = self
        self.ViewObject = obj

    def attach(self, obj):
        material = coin.SoMaterial()
        material.diffuseColor = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        material.emissiveColor = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        drawStyle = coin.SoDrawStyle()
        drawStyle.pointSize.setValue(10) = coin.SoDrawStyle.LINES
        wireframe = coin.SoGroup()
        shaded = coin.SoGroup()
        self.wireframe = wireframe
        self.shaded = shaded

        self.coords = coin.SoCoordinate3()
        self.coords.point.setValues(0, 2, [FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, 0), FreeCAD.Vector(1, 0, 0)])
        wireframe += self.coords
        wireframe += drawStyle
        wireframe += material
        shaded += self.coords
        shaded += drawStyle
        shaded += material

        g = coin.SoGroup()
        sel1 = coin.SoType.fromName('SoFCSelection').createInstance() = 'EMISSIVE_DIFFUSE'
        p1 = coin.SoType.fromName('SoIndexedPointSet').createInstance()
        p1.coordIndex.set1Value(0, 0)
        sel1 += p1
        g += sel1
        wireframe += g
        shaded += g

        g = coin.SoGroup()
        sel2 = coin.SoType.fromName('SoFCSelection').createInstance() = 'EMISSIVE_DIFFUSE'
        p2 = coin.SoType.fromName('SoIndexedPointSet').createInstance()
        p2.coordIndex.set1Value(0, 1)
        sel2 += p2
        g += sel2
        wireframe += g
        shaded += g

        g = coin.SoGroup()
        sel3 = coin.SoType.fromName('SoFCSelection').createInstance() = 'EMISSIVE_DIFFUSE'
        p3 = coin.SoType.fromName('SoIndexedLineSet').createInstance()
        p3.coordIndex.setValues(0, 2, [0, 1])
        sel3 += p3
        g += sel3
        wireframe += g
        shaded += g

        obj.addDisplayMode(wireframe, 'Wireframe')
        obj.addDisplayMode(shaded, 'Shaded')

        self.sel1 = sel1
        self.sel2 = sel2
        self.sel3 = sel3
        self.constructed = True
        self.updateData(obj.Object, 'p2')

    def getDetailPath(self, subname, path, append):
        vobj = self.ViewObject
        if append:

            mode = vobj.SwitchNode.whichChild.getValue()
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("getDetailPath: mode {} is active\n".format(mode))
            if mode >= 0:
                mode = vobj.SwitchNode.getChild(mode)
                sub = Part.splitSubname(subname)[-1]
                if sub == 'Atom1':
                elif sub == 'Atom2':
                elif sub == 'Line':
        return True

    def getElementPicked(self, pp):
        path = pp.getPath()
        if path.findNode(self.sel1) >= 0:
            return 'Atom1'
        if path.findNode(self.sel2) >= 0:
            return 'Atom2'
        if path.findNode(self.sel3) >= 0:
            return 'Line'
        raise NotImplementedError

    def updateData(self, fp, prop):
        "If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here"
        # fp is the handled feature, prop is the name of the property that has changed
        if not self.constructed:
        if prop == "p1":
            p = fp.getPropertyByName("p1")
            self.coords.point.set1Value(0, p)
        elif prop == "p2":
            p = fp.getPropertyByName("p2")
            self.coords.point.set1Value(1, p)

    def getDisplayModes(self, obj):
        return ['Wireframe', 'Shaded']

    def getDefaultDisplayMode(self):
        return 'Shaded'

    def setDisplayMode(self, mode):
        return mode

    def dumps(self):
        return None

    def loads(self,state):
        return None

def makeMolecule():
    return a,b

a,b = makeMolecule()

Part Design scripted objects

When making scripted objects in Part Design the process is similar to the scripted objects discussed above, but with a few additional considerations. We must handle 2 shape properties, one for the shape we see in the 3D view and another for the shape used by the pattern tools, such as polar pattern features. The object shapes also needs to be fused to any existing material already in the Body (or cut from it in the case of Subtractive features). And we must account for the placement and attachment of our objects a little bit differently.

Part Design scripted solid object features should be based on either PartDesign::FeaturePython, PartDesign::FeatureAdditivePython, or PartDesign::FeatureSubtractivePython rather than Part::FeaturePython. Only the Additive and Subtractive variants can be used in pattern features, and if based on Part::FeaturePython when the user drops the object into a Part Design Body it becomes a BaseFeature rather than being treated by the Body as a native Part Design object. Note: all of these are expected to be solids, so if you are making a non-solid feature it should be based on Part::FeaturePython or else the next feature in the tree will attempt to fuse to as a solid and it will fail.

Here is a simple example of making a Tube primitive, similar to the Tube primitive in Part Workbench except this one will be a Part Design solid feature object. For this we will 2 separate files: pdtube.FCMacro and The .FCMacro file will be executed by the user to create the object. The .py file will hold the class definitions, imported by the .FCMacro. The reason for doing it this way is to maintain the parametric nature of the object after restarting FreeCAD and opening a document containing one of our Tubes.

First, the class definition file:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#classes should go in
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Part
class PDTube:
    def __init__(self,obj):
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Radius1","Tube","Radius1").Radius1 = 5
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Radius2","Tube","Radius2").Radius2 = 10
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Height","Tube","Height of tube").Height = 10
        obj.Proxy = self

    def makeAttachable(self, obj):

        if int(FreeCAD.Version()[1]) >= 19:
            obj.addExtension('Part::AttachExtensionPython', obj)

        obj.setEditorMode('Placement', 0) #non-readonly non-hidden

    def execute(self,fp):
        outer_cylinder = Part.makeCylinder(fp.Radius2, fp.Height)
        inner_cylinder = Part.makeCylinder(fp.Radius1, fp.Height)
        if fp.Radius1 == fp.Radius2: #just make cylinder
            tube_shape = outer_cylinder
        elif fp.Radius1 < fp.Radius2:
            tube_shape = outer_cylinder.cut(inner_cylinder)
        else: #invert rather than error out
            tube_shape = inner_cylinder.cut(outer_cylinder)

        if not hasattr(fp, "positionBySupport"):
        tube_shape.Placement = fp.Placement

        #BaseFeature (shape property of type Part::PropertyPartShape) is provided for us
        #with the PartDesign::FeaturePython and related classes, but it might be empty
        #if our object is the first object in the tree.  it's a good idea to check
        #for its existence in case we want to make type Part::FeaturePython, which won't have it

        if hasattr(fp, "BaseFeature") and fp.BaseFeature != None:
            if "Subtractive" in fp.TypeId:
                full_shape = fp.BaseFeature.Shape.cut(tube_shape)
                full_shape = fp.BaseFeature.Shape.fuse(tube_shape)
            full_shape.transformShape(fp.Placement.inverse().toMatrix(), True) #borrowed from gears workbench
            fp.Shape = full_shape
            fp.Shape = tube_shape
        if hasattr(fp,"AddSubShape"): #PartDesign::FeatureAdditivePython and
                                      #PartDesign::FeatureSubtractivePython have this
                                      #property but PartDesign::FeaturePython does not
                                      #It is the shape used for copying in pattern features
                                      #for example in making a polar pattern
            tube_shape.transformShape(fp.Placement.inverse().toMatrix(), True)
            fp.AddSubShape = tube_shape

class PDTubeVP:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        '''Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider'''
        obj.Proxy = self

    def attach(self,vobj):
        self.vobj = vobj

    def updateData(self, fp, prop):
        '''If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here'''

    def getDisplayModes(self,obj):
        '''Return a list of display modes.'''
        modes.append("Flat Lines")
        return modes

    def getDefaultDisplayMode(self):
        '''Return the name of the default display mode. It must be defined in getDisplayModes.'''
        return "Flat Lines"

    def setDisplayMode(self,mode):
        '''Map the display mode defined in attach with those defined in getDisplayModes.\
                Since they have the same names nothing needs to be done. This method is optional'''
        return mode

    def onChanged(self, vp, prop):
        '''Here we can do something when a single property got changed'''
        #FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + "\n")

    def getIcon(self):
        '''Return the icon in XPM format which will appear in the tree view. This method is\
                optional and if not defined a default icon is shown.'''
        return """
            /* XPM */
            static const char * ViewProviderBox_xpm[] = {
            "16 16 6 1",
            "   c None",
            ".  c #141010",
            "+  c #615BD2",
            "@  c #C39D55",
            "#  c #000000",
            "$  c #57C355",
            "        ........",
            "   ......++..+..",
            "   .@@@@.++..++.",
            "   .@@@@.++..++.",
            "   .@@  .++++++.",
            "  ..@@  .++..++.",
            "###@@@@ .++..++.",
            "#$$#######      ",
            "#$$#$$$$$#      ",
            "#$$#$$$$$#      ",
            "#$$#$$$$$#      ",
            " #$#$$$$$#      ",
            "  ##$$$$$#      ",
            "   #######      "};

    def dumps(self):
        '''When saving the document this object gets stored using Python's json module.\
                Since we have some un-serializable parts here -- the Coin stuff -- we must define this method\
                to return a tuple of all serializable objects or None.'''
        return None

    def loads(self,state):
        '''When restoring the serialized object from document we have the chance to set some internals here.\
                Since no data were serialized nothing needs to be done here.'''
        return None

And now the macro file to create the object:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pdtube
#above line needed if the class definitions above are place in another file:
#this is needed if the tube object is to remain parametric after restarting FreeCAD and loading
#a document containing the object

body = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getActiveObject("pdbody")
if not body:
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No active body.\n")
    from PySide import QtGui
    window = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow()
    items = ["Additive","Subtractive","Neither additive nor subtractive"]
    item,ok =QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem(window,"Select tube type","Select whether you want additive, subtractive, or neither:",items,0,False)
    if ok:
        if item == items[0]:
            className = "PartDesign::FeatureAdditivePython"
        elif item == items[1]:
            className = "PartDesign::FeatureSubtractivePython"
            className = "PartDesign::FeaturePython" #not usable in pattern features, such as polar pattern

        tube = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject(className,"Tube")
        body.addObject(tube) #optionally we can also use body.insertObject() for placing at particular place in tree

Available object types

The object types you can create with FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject() depend on the loaded modules. After loading all internal workbenches a complete list can be obtained with FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.supportedTypes(). Only object types with a name ending in Python can be used for scripted objects. These are listed here (for FreeCAD v1.0):

  • App::DocumentObjectGroupPython
  • App::FeaturePython
  • App::GeometryPython
  • App::LinkElementPython
  • App::LinkGroupPython
  • App::LinkPython
  • App::MaterialObjectPython
  • App::PlacementPython
  • Fem::ConstraintPython
  • Fem::FeaturePython
  • Fem::FemAnalysisPython
  • Fem::FemMeshObjectPython
  • Fem::FemResultObjectPython
  • Fem::FemSolverObjectPython
  • Measure::MeasurePython
  • Mesh::FeaturePython
  • Part::CustomFeaturePython
  • Part::FeaturePython
  • Part::Part2DObjectPython
  • PartDesign::FeatureAdditivePython
  • PartDesign::FeatureAddSubPython
  • PartDesign::FeaturePython
  • PartDesign::FeatureSubtractivePython
  • PartDesign::SubShapeBinderPython
  • Path::FeatureAreaPython
  • Path::FeatureAreaViewPython
  • Path::FeatureCompoundPython
  • Path::FeaturePython
  • Path::FeatureShapePython
  • Points::FeaturePython
  • Sketcher::SketchObjectPython
  • Spreadsheet::SheetPython
  • TechDraw::DrawBrokenViewPython
  • TechDraw::DrawComplexSectionPython
  • TechDraw::DrawLeaderLinePython
  • TechDraw::DrawPagePython
  • TechDraw::DrawRichAnnoPython
  • TechDraw::DrawTemplatePython
  • TechDraw::DrawTilePython
  • TechDraw::DrawTileWeldPython
  • TechDraw::DrawViewPartPython
  • TechDraw::DrawViewPython
  • TechDraw::DrawViewSectionPython
  • TechDraw::DrawViewSymbolPython
  • TechDraw::DrawWeldSymbolPython

Available methods

See FeaturePython methods for the complete reference.

Available properties

Dostupné vlastnosti

Vlastnosti jsou skutečné základní kameny pythonovských objektů. Jejich prostřednictvím je uživatel schopen pracovat s objektem. Po vytvoření Pythonovského objektu v dokumentu ( obj=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython","Box") ), obdržíte seznam dostupných vlastností zadáním:

obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "Box")

Dostanete seznam dostupných vlastností:

Když do uživatelského objektu přidáváte vlastnosti dejte pozor na::

  • Nepoužívejte znaky "<" a ">" v popisu vlastnosti (odděluje to části XML v souboru .fcstd)
  • Vlastnosti jsou uloženy podle abecedy ve .fcstd souboru. Máte-li ve vlastnostech tvar (shape), jakékoliv jméno vlastnosti, které je za "Shape" podle abecedy, bude nataženo až po tvaru, což může zapříčinit neočekávané chování.

The properties are defined in the PropertyStandard C++ header file.

Property attributes

Typ vlastnosti

Standardně mohou být vlastnosti upravovány. Je ale možné nastavit vlastnosti pouze ke čtení, třeba když má jenom zobrazovat výstup výsledku metody. Je možné také vlastnost skrýt. Typ vlastnosti může být nastaven použitím

obj.setEditorMode("MyPropertyName", mode)

kde mode je malá celočíselná hodnota, které může být nastavena na:

 0 -- defaultní mód, čtení  i zápis
 1 -- pouze čtení
 2 -- skryto

The attributes can also be set using a list of strings, e.g. obj.setEditorMode("Placement", ["ReadOnly", "Hidden"]).

Attributes set using setEditorMode can be removed by the user. See Property editor. Note that read-only properties can still be changed from Python.

You can also set these, and more, attributes directly with the addProperty function. Attributes set with that function cannot be changed by the user. An interesting possibility is to mark a property as an output property. This way FreeCAD won't mark the object as touched when changing it (so no need to recompute).

Example of output property (see also

obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString", "MyCustomProperty", "", "", 8)

The attributes that can be set with addProperty are listed below. Multiple attributes can be set by adding values.

  0 -- Prop_None, No special property attribute
  1 -- Prop_ReadOnly, Property is read-only in the editor
  2 -- Prop_Transient, Property won't be saved to file
  4 -- Prop_Hidden, Property won't appear in the editor
  8 -- Prop_Output, Modified property doesn't touch its parent container
 16 -- Prop_NoRecompute, Modified property doesn't touch its container for recompute
 32 -- Prop_NoPersist, Property won't be saved to file at all

The property attributes are defined in the PropertyContainer C++ header file.

For Prop_ReadOnly and Prop_Hidden the addProperty function has boolean arguments as well:

obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString", "MyCustomProperty", "", "", 0, True, True)

Which is equivalent to:

obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString", "MyCustomProperty", "", "", 1+4)

introduced in version 1.0: The full signature of the function is:

obj.addProperty(type: string, name: string, group="", doc="", attr=0, read_only=False, hidden=False, enum_vals=[])
  • type: Property type.
  • name: Property name.
  • group: Property subsection (used in the Property editor).
  • doc: Tooltip (idem).
  • attr: Attribute, see above.
  • read_only: See above.
  • hidden: See above.
  • enum_vals: Enumeration values (list of string), only relevant if type is "App::PropertyEnumeration".

Available extensions

The list of available extensions can be obtained with grep -RI EXTENSION_PROPERTY_SOURCE_TEMPLATE in the repository of the source code and is given here (for FreeCAD v0.21).

For objects:

  • App::GeoFeatureGroupExtensionPython
  • App::GroupExtensionPython
  • App::LinkBaseExtensionPython
  • App::LinkExtensionPython
  • App::OriginGroupExtensionPython
  • Part::AttachExtensionPython
  • TechDraw::CosmeticExtensionPython

For view objects:

  • Gui::ViewProviderExtensionPython
  • Gui::ViewProviderGeoFeatureGroupExtensionPython
  • Gui::ViewProviderGroupExtensionPython
  • Gui::ViewProviderOriginGroupExtensionPython
  • PartGui::ViewProviderAttachExtensionPython
  • PartGui::ViewProviderSplineExtensionPython

There exist other extensions but they do not work as-is:

  • App::ExtensionPython
  • TechDrawGui::ViewProviderCosmeticExtensionPython
  • TechDrawGui::ViewProviderDrawingViewExtensionPython
  • TechDrawGui::ViewProviderPageExtensionPython
  • TechDrawGui::ViewProviderTemplateExtensionPython

Additional pages:

Interesting forum threads about scripted objects:

In addition to the examples presented here have a look at FreeCAD source code src/Mod/TemplatePyMod/ for more examples.