Modul Díl

From FreeCAD Documentation
This page is a translated version of the page Part Workbench and the translation is 1% complete.
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Part workbench icon


CAD možnosti FreeCADu jsou založeny na jádře OpenCasCade. Modul Díl umožňuje FreeCADu přístup a používání objektů a funkcí OpenCasCade. OpenCascade je profesionální CAD jádro, jehož vlastnosti umožňují pokročilou manipulaci s 3D konstrukcemi a objekty. Objekty Díl, narozdíl od objektů Modulu Síť, jsou mnohem komplexnější a proto umožňují mnohem dokonalejší operace, jako jsou logické boolean operace, modifikace historie a parametrické chování.

The Part Workbench can also create objects that are not solids, such as faces, shells, and objects with only edges or vertices. It also provides a variety of general purpose tools for geometry manipulation, geometry validation, and making copies.

The PartDesign Workbench uses an alternative workflow for creating solids. For a detailed discussion of the Part Workbench versus the Part Design Workbench see Part and Part Design.


Solids toolbar

  • Box: Creates a box.
  • Cone: Creates a cone.
  • Tube: Creates a tube.
  • Box: Creates a box. This object can also be created with the Box tool.
  • Cylinder: Creates a cylinder. This object can also be created with the Cylinder tool.
  • Cone: Creates a cone. This object can also be created with the Cone tool.
  • Sphere: Creates a sphere. This object can also be created with the Sphere tool.
  • Torus: Creates a torus. This object can also be created with the Torus tool.
  • Circle: Creates a circular arc.
  • Ellipse: Creates an elliptical arc.
  • Line: Creates a line.

Part tools toolbar

  • Revolve: Creates a solid by revolving an object (not a solid) around an axis.
  • Mirror: Mirrors the selected object across a mirror plane.
  • Fillet: Fillets (rounds) edges of an object.
  • Chamfer: Chamfers edges of an object.
  • Loft: Lofts from one profile to another.
  • Sweep: Sweeps one or more profiles along a path.
  • Section: Creates a section by intersecting an object with a section plane.
  • Offset:
  • 3D Offset: Constructs a parallel shape at a certain distance from an original.
  • 2D Offset: Constructs a parallel wire at certain distance from an original, or enlarges/shrinks a planar face.

Boolean toolbar

  • Compound:
  • Boolean: Performs boolean operations on two objects.
  • Cut: Cuts one object from another.
  • Union: Fuses two or more objects.
  • Join:
  • Embed object: Embeds a walled object into another walled object.
  • Cutout for object: Creates a cutout in a wall of an object for another walled object.
  • Split:
  • Slice apart: Slices and splits an object by intersecting it with other objects.
  • Boolean XOR: Removes space shared by an even number of objects.

Other tools

  • Reverse shapes: Creates parametric copies with reversed face normals from selected objects.
  • Create a copy:
  • Create transformed copy: Creates non-parametric copies of objects. It is intended for objects nested in containers.
  • Refine shape: Creates parametric copies with a refined shape from selected objects. It removes unnecessary edges from planar and cylindrical faces.

Obsolete tools


The Std Measure tool replaces the tools listed below. introduced in version 1.0

  • Measure Linear: Creates a linear measurement. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
  • Measure Angular: Creates an angular measurement. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
  • Measure Refresh: Updates all measurements. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
  • Toggle 3D: Shows or hides 3D measurements. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
  • Toggle Delta: Shows or hides delta measurements. Not available in version 1.0 and above.


