Pracovní plochy
FreeCAD,stejně jako mnoho dalších moderních designových aplikací takových jako Revit nebo CATIA, je založen na konceptu Pracovní plochy. Pracovní plocha představuje skupinu nástrojů speciálně sestavených pro dané úlohy. V tradiční nábytkářské dílně byl samostatný pracovní stůl pro osobu, která pracovala se dřevem, další stůl pro osobu, která pracovala s kovovými částmi a třeba i třetí stůl, na kterém třetí pracovník montoval všechny kusy dohromady.
FreeCAD, like many modern design applications such as Revit or CATIA, is based on the concept of Workbench. A workbench can be considered as a set of tools specially grouped for a certain task. In a traditional furniture workshop, you would have a work table for the person who works with wood, another one for the one who works with metal pieces, and maybe a third one for the guy who mounts all the pieces together.
Ve FreeCADu je použit úplně stejný koncept. Nástroje jsou přiřazovány do pracovních ploch podle úkolů, ke kterým, jsou tyto plochy určeny.
Když přepnete z jedné plochy do druhé, nástroje dostupné v ploše se změní. Pruh nástrojů, pruh příkazů a případně další části plochy se přepnou na novou pracovní plochu, ale část se zpracovávanou úlohou se nezmění. Například můžete začít kreslit 2D tvary na Kreslicí pracovní ploše a pak na nich dále pracovat v pracovní ploše Díl.
Všimněte si, že někdy je pracovní plocha odkazována jako "Modul". Nicméně Pracovní plochy a Moduly jsou odlišné objekty. Modul je jakékoliv rozšíření FreeCADu, zatímco Pracovní plocha je speciální GUI (to co vidíte na obrazovce) configurace, která seskupuje vybrané pruhy nástrojů a menu. Obvykle každý modul obsahuje svou vlastní pracovní plochu, což je důvod občasné záměny pojmů Modul a Pracovní plocha.
Built-in workbenches
Dostupné jsou následující pracovní plochy:
Std Base. This is not really a workbench, but rather a category of 'standard' commands and tools that can be used in all workbenches.
The Assembly Workbench for building and solving mechanical assemblies. introduced in version 1.0
The BIM Workbench for working with architectural elements and creating BIM models. It combines the Arch Workbench and the formerly external BIM Workbench available in version 0.21 and below.
The CAM Workbench is used to produce G-Code instructions. This workbench was called "Path Workbench" in version 0.21 and below.
The Draft Workbench contains 2D tools and basic 2D and 3D CAD operations.
The FEM Workbench provides Finite Element Analysis (FEA) workflow.
The Inspection Workbench is made to give you specific tools for examination of shapes. Still in the early stages of development.
The Material Workbench handles the FreeCAD material system. introduced in version 1.0
The Mesh Workbench for working with triangulated meshes.
The OpenSCAD Workbench for interoperability with OpenSCAD and repairing constructive solid geometry (CSG) model history.
The Part Workbench for working with geometric primitives and boolean operations.
The Part Design Workbench for building Part shapes from sketches.
The Points Workbench for working with point clouds.
The Reverse Engineering Workbench is intended to provide specific tools to convert shapes/solids/meshes into parametric FreeCAD-compatible features.
The Robot Workbench for studying robot movements. Currently unmaintained.
The Sketcher Workbench for working with geometry-constrained sketches.
The Spreadsheet Workbench for creating and manipulating spreadsheet data.
The Surface Workbench provides tools to create and modify surfaces. It is similar to the Part Builder Face from edges option.
The TechDraw Workbench for producing technical drawings from 3D models. It is the successor of the Drawing Workbench.
The Test Framework Workbench is for debugging FreeCAD.
The following workbenches are no longer included after version 0.21:
The Start Workbench allows you to quickly jump to one of the most common workbenches.
The Web Workbench provides you with a browser window instead of the 3D view within FreeCAD.
The following workbenches are no longer included after version 0.20:
The Drawing Workbench was used for producing technical drawings. The TechDraw Workbench is its more advanced replacement.
The Image Workbench was used for working with bitmap images. Its functionality has been integrated in Std Base. See Std Import and Std ViewLoadImage.
The Raytracing Workbench was used for ray-tracing (rendering). The external Render Workbench should be used instead.
External workbenches
FreeCAD workbenches are easy to program in Python, there are therefore many people developing additional workbenches outside of the FreeCAD main development area.
The external workbenches page lists all that are known to this community. Most are easily installable from within FreeCAD, using the Addon Manager, found under menu Tools → Addon manager.

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub