Arch SetMaterial
Menu location |
Arch → Material tools → Material |
Workbenches |
Arch, BIM |
Default shortcut |
M T |
Introduced in version |
- |
See also |
Arch MultiMaterial |
This tool allows to add materials to the active document and attribute a material to an Arch object. A Material contains all the properties of a certain material and controls the color of the object it is attached to. Materials are stored in a Materials folder in the active document.
- Optionally, select one or more objects to which you wish to attribute a new material.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the
Material button in the toolbar.
- Use the M then T keyboard shortcut.
- Use the Arch → Material Tools → Material entry from the top menu.
- Press the
- Load a preset material, or create a new one by filling the fields.
- Press OK.
- Upon creating a new material, a task panel allows you to set different options:
- Choose preset: Choose one of the preset materials, to be used as is, or to be adapted by modifying the fields below
- Name: Choose a name for the material
- Edit button: This opens the current material in FreeCAD's Material editor, which allows you to edit many additional properties and add your own custom ones
- Description: A more detailed description of the material
- Color: A display color for the material, which will be applied to all objects that use that material
- Section Color: A display color for the material, which will be applied on TechDraw pages, when an object with this material is cut, and the "Display materials" property of the containing section plane is set to True.
- Code: A name and reference number of a specification system such as Masterformat or Omniclass.
- Code browser button: Not implemented yet - will allow to open the reference in a web browser
- URL: An URL where more information about the material can be found
- URL button:Opens the URL in a web browser
Relation to IFC
This roughly corresponds to IfcMaterial.
- 2D drafting: Sketch, Line, Polyline, Circle, Arc, Arc by 3 points, Fillet, Ellipse, Polygon, Rectangle, B-spline, Bézier curve, Cubic Bézier curve, Point
- 3D/BIM: Project, Site, Building, Level, Space, Wall, Curtain Wall, Column, Beam, Slab, Door, Window, Pipe, Pipe Connector, Stairs, Roof, Panel, Frame, Fence, Truss, Equipment
- Reinforcement tools: Custom Rebar, Straight Rebar, U-Shape Rebar, L-Shape Rebar, Stirrup, Bent-Shape Rebar, Helical Rebar, Column Reinforcement, Beam Reinforcement, Slab Reinforcement, Footing Reinforcement
- Generic 3D tools: Profile, Box, Shape builder..., Facebinder, Objects library, Component, External reference
- Annotation: Text, Shape from text, Aligned dimension, Horizontal dimension, Vertical dimension, Leader, Label, Axis, Axes System, Grid, Section Plane, Hatch, Page, View, Shape-based view
- Snapping: Snap lock, Snap endpoint, Snap midpoint, Snap center, Snap angle, Snap intersection, Snap perpendicular, Snap extension, Snap parallel, Snap special, Snap near, Snap ortho, Snap grid, Snap working plane, Snap dimensions, Toggle grid, Working Plane Top, Working Plane Front, Working Plane Side
- Modify: Move, Copy, Rotate, Clone, Create simple copy, Make compound, Offset, 2D Offset..., Trimex, Join, Split, Scale, Stretch, Draft to sketch, Upgrade, Downgrade, Add component, Remove component, Array, Path array, Polar array, Point array, Cut with plane, Mirror, Extrude..., Difference, Union, Intersection
- Manage: BIM Setup..., Views manager, Manage project..., Manage doors and windows..., Manage IFC elements..., Manage IFC quantities..., Manage IFC properties..., Manage classification..., Manage layers..., Material, Schedule, Preflight checks..., Annotation styles...
- Utils: Toggle bottom panels, Move to Trash, Working Plane View, Select group, Set slope, Create working plane proxy, Add to construction group, Split Mesh, Mesh to Shape, Select non-manifold meshes, Remove Shape from Arch, Close Holes, Merge Walls, Check, Toggle IFC Brep flag, Toggle subcomponents, Survey, IFC Diff, IFC explorer, Create IFC spreadsheet..., Image plane, Unclone, Rewire, Glue, Reextrude
- Panel tools: Panel, Panel Cut, Panel Sheet, Nest
- Structure tools: Structure, Structural System, Multiple Structures
- IFC tools: IFC Diff..., IFC Expand, Make IFC project, IfcOpenShell update
- Nudge: Nudge Switch, Nudge Up, Nudge Down, Nudge Left, Nudge Right, Nudge Rotate Left, Nudge Rotate Right, Nudge Extend, Nudge Shrink
- Additional: Preferences, Fine tuning, Import Export Preferences, IFC, DAE, OBJ, JSON, 3DS, SHP

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub